5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Eyes After A Lasik Eye Surgery


Lasik Eye Surgery is an eye procedure to correct a person’s vision. The surgery aims to reshape the cornea and improve the patient’s vision to correct farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism. During the surgery, the ophthalmologist creates a thick flap on the cornea’s surface using an excimer laser. The surgery could take up to 20 minutes to complete.


Although the surgery is meant to correct vision and improve the quality of life for the visually impaired, not everyone who uses glasses is a suitable candidate for Lasik Eye Surgery. To find out if Lasik eye surgery is for you, you can book a consultation with Motwani Lasik Institute to determine whether you are the right candidate.

The eye is a sensitive organ in the body, which requires meticulous care after surgery. Lasik Eye Surgery is an invasive surgery performed by a certified ophthalmologist on patients who wish to correct their vision. If you’re tired of using glasses or contact lenses, you might consider getting Lasik Eye Surgery.

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Lasik Eye Surgery



Care Tips for Your Eyes After Lasik Eye Surgery

If you’re thinking of having this type of surgery, do your research about the process before and after the surgery. Before booking your appointment, be sure you’re aware of the benefits and risks associated with Lasik Eye Surgery. You should also know some tips on how to take care of your eyes after the surgery, like these listed below:

1. Rest, Rest, Rest

As mentioned earlier, the eye is a sensitive organ that requires careful care after Lasik Eye Surgery. Therefore, after your surgery, you need to give your eyes time to heal. After your surgery, you should rest, preferably close your eyes for at least two to four hours, to help your eyes with the healing process. Resting can help with any discomfort and dryness of the eye you may experience after the surgery.

After the surgery, your doctor will tape a clear plastic shield over your eyes to protect them when you sleep. Only remove the shield in the morning after your surgery. You should sleep with a shield for the first three to five nights.

2. Visit Your Doctor Post-Surgery

Regular consultation with your doctor post-op is critical to ensure no concerns and eye health issues arise. You should follow the post-op instructions by your doctor and make sure you book your appointments for checkups. You should get your eyes checked on day one, month one, month three, month six, and month 12.

After month 12, you should have annual eye exams to ensure there are no issues with your eyes. It’s essential during your recovery period to have your eye checked by your doctor so that they can monitor any concerns of eye health-related issues you might experience post-op.


3. Know The Things to Avoid

After your surgery, your eyes will be dry and have a burning feeling, which can increase the urge to put water on your eyes to ease the pain. Avoid using water on your eyes, as it can contain various chemicals that can increase the risk of infection.

Using water to soothe your eyes from irritation can cause you more pain and irritation. Moreover, water can wrinkle the corneal flap done during Lasik Eye Surgery. You should also take extra care to avoid shampoo, makeup, hair coloring, and soap from getting on your eyes, as these can have the same effect as water after the surgery. Additionally, you should avoid taking showers and using swimming pools. Use a bathtub instead. When taking a bath, try to avoid rubbing your eyes.

4. Use Antibiotic Eye Drops

After the surgery, you may experience some discomfort and irritation. Try to resist the temptation to rub your eyes. Your doctor will prescribe eye drops that will help keep your eyes moist, prevent inflammation, and prevent infections. When using eye drops, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions regarding the dosage strictly. If you experience pain, please contact your doctor as soon as possible.

5. Use UV-Protective Sunglasses

Your eyes will be sensitive to light during the healing process. It’s vital that you avoid getting your eyes to have any direct exposure to sunlight. Use UV sunglasses to protect your eyes from light when you’re outdoors. The UV sunglasses will help reduce the risk of cataracts and pterygium from forming on the eyes’ surface.


Lasik Eye Surgery is an invasive surgery done on patients to correct their vision. The process requires careful planning with your doctor to determine whether the surgery is right for you. After your surgery, you should strictly follow your doctor’s instructions. It’s important that you rest after your surgery to help your eyes heal.


Avoid anything that might cause further irritation or an infection, and use eye drops as recommended by your doctor. Additionally, you should use UV-protected sunglasses to protect your eyes from direct light. You might feel a bit of irritation and dryness in your eyes after the surgery. If you feel any pain, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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