Can Black People Get Lice in Their Hair


Can Black People Get Lice in Their Hair – Head lice struggle to grip onto oily hair. As a consequence, Black people with oily hair and others with this hair sort might be less vulnerable to head lice. Head lice are minor insects that live in human hair.


They are not unsafe for health, but they can reason some problems, such as itching and difficulty sleeping. Head lice are also transmissible and can effortlessly spread among people in the same household or school.

Can Black People Get Lice in Their Hair

Can Black People Get Lice in Their Hair


Some people are less vulnerable than others to getting head lice. Here in this article, we will discuss how head lice will affect African Americans with oily hair. If you want to know more about head lice and oily hair then read this article carefully.

Do African American People Get Head Lice?

African American people can still get head lice. Though, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source state that African American people get head lice much less often than other people. The reason for this might be that most head lice in the United States have claws that more effortlessly grip onto uncoiled hair.


According to the article in the British Journal of Family Medicine, head lice affect African American people less usually related to other people. The researchers advise that this is due to the shape of the claws in most head lice and the width and shape of the hair shaft in coiled hair.

The hair shaft in oily hair has an oval cross-section, while, in other hair sorts, the shaft tends to be circular. Head lice find it easier to grip onto round hair shafts.

In addition to that, the researchers note that the use of hair oils could also play a part. For instance, petroleum jelly makes hair smoother and less brittle, which is firmer for head lice to grip onto. ResearchTrusted Source has exposed that African American women are probable to use more hair products than other females and use them from a younger age.

Head lice appear to be more shared in Caucasian, Hispanic, and Asian American people than in African American people. For instance, fewer than 0.5% of African American schoolchildren experience head lice related to about 10% of schoolchildren of other races.

Research from the 2012 Trusted Source advises that some head lice have adapted to living in oily hair. The scientists found head lice in four African countries like Senegal, Burundi, Rwanda, and Ethiopia.


What are the Signs of Head Lice in Oily Hair?

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of head lice include:

  • attendance of insects that are black or gray and about 2–3 millimeters (mm)Trusted Source long with six clawed legs.
  • a burning or tickling sensation in the hair.
  • sensation or seeing movement in the hair, plus crawling but not hopping or flying.
  • distress sleeping, as head lice are most active when it is dark.
  • sores on the head from itching, which might lead to an infection.

People can also look for signs of head lice eggs. The empty egg coverings might be easier to see on dark hair than the lice, as they typically appear white. Eggs are typically within 4 mm of the scalp and are about 0.8 mm by 0.3 important Source in size.

How Can You Check for Lice?

People will be able to check for lice in the following areas:

  • the scalp and crown of the head
  • around and behind the ears
  • the neckline at the back of the head

How can you Treat Head Lice in Oily Hair?

Here are some of the steps for getting free of head lice are generally the same, irrespective of hair type. People with hair extensions, wigs, or hairpieces will also need to eliminate them before treatment. They can just find a space with good lighting and get rid of head lice by:

  • moistening the hair and dividing it into sections
  • you can also apply a lice treatment or home remedy, such as coconut oil trusted Source
  • moving a louse comb through the hair in units to eliminate head lice and their eggs
  • rinse out any excess product from the hair using a shower head or running tap
  • checking anybody else in the house for head lice to stop further spreading

A person should check the hair again 8–12 hours after the treatment and duck rewash it at least 2 days afterward. It is significant to continue to comb over the hair once a day with the comb to remove any dead lice. People might need to see a healthcare expert if home medicines are not working.


The American Academy of Dermatology Association mentions that African American people follow additional hair care tips, which contain:

  • you need to wash your hair once a week or every other week.
  • use conditioner with every hair washes, making sure to coat the ends of the hair.
  • use a hot oil treatment twice monthly.
  • smearing a heat-protecting product to wet hair before styling it.
  • sticking with a ceramic or iron comb for pressing hair.
  • Make sure that braids, cornrows, or weaves are not too tight.

Also Check:


Head lice are less shared in African American people than in other people, which is probably due to the head lice struggling to grip onto oily hair. Though, African American people can still get head lice and should remain to check for the problem.

The dealing for head lice is the same for people with any sort of hair. It is significant to check everyone in the household since head lice can spread among persons. 


We have shared everything about head lice and oily hair in this article on “Can Black People Get Lice in Their Hair” if the info that we shared above helped you in any way then do share it with others.

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