Why Are My Teeth Yellow When I Brush Them Everyday


Does anybody know the real reason Why Are My Teeth Yellow When I Brush Them Everyday? You have seen your kids play at the park, someone compliments your outfit, or you cross paths with a random person on a blind date all of these should make you smile, but you don’t.


Even though you brush your teeth daily, they are yellow. What causes your stained teeth, what can you do to get a bright white smile, and what is the secret to pearly white teeth? More highly, you wonder, “Why are my teeth yellow when I brush them every day?” if you want to know more about this problem then read this article sensibly.

Why Are My Teeth Yellow When I Brush Them Everyday?

Why Are My Teeth Yellow When I Brush Them Everyday


Why Are My Teeth Yellow?

Even brushing and dental flossing twice a day isn’t always sufficient to maintain our teeth looking fresh and cheerful. But don’t worry, most teeth have what are known as “extrinsic stains,” which are stains on the surface of teeth that come from anywhere else. You can knowingly decline the yellowish look of your teeth and maintain them whiter for way too long by making a few lifestyle changes.

What are the common causes of tooth discoloration?

  • Poor Oral Hygiene:

People with deprived oral hygiene can see yellowish teeth, further producing obvious stains if not treated. People with poor oral care are less likely to brush, use mouthwash, or dental floss.

  • Foods and Beverages:

Consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, and sodas, and eating confident foods, such as colored candies, can cause visible stains. Sodas, in specific, can slowly wear away tooth enamel, making teeth more prone to staining. That’s not to say you can never drink or eat anything and everything that stains again. Limiting your consumption of these goods, such as coffee, soda, etc., can help you attain whiter teeth.

  • Tobacco Products:

It is well known that smoking and chomping tobacco cause yellow teeth. Dropping the number, you smoke or chew such products will support you avoid both intrinsic and external stains. It will also support you avoid gum and tooth-rotting and diseases.

  • Prescription Medications:

Some over-the-counter medications play a significant role in developing yellow teeth. These include high blood pressure medications, chemotherapy (undergoing cancer treatment), antibiotics, atropine, and antipsychotics. We can see drug-related staining regularly in children. This happens because the medications bind to calcium and transfer to emerging teeth.

  • Tooth Decay and Trauma:

Teeth are more disposed to discoloration when developing, whether in the womb or even during childhood. Any nutritional lack that interferes with enamel formation can lead to noticeable long-term stains. Some trauma and infections can cause the same teeth discoloration in adults.

  • Aging:

The outer layer of our teeth slowly wears away as we age. This reveals the yellow tooth enamel beneath, giving the mouth a discolored appearance, mainly called yellow dentin. Additionally, as the transmittance of teeth declines, the look of the dental pulp becomes darker.


Why Are My Teeth Yellow Near the Gums?

Dental plaque seems to be an easy, sticky film that collects on your teeth frequently. A thin plaque coating might originally appear clear, but as it accumulates, it turns yellow. Plaque procedures when oral bacteria interact with food products and proteins. This soggy film obeys to the exterior of the enamel surface; it can also enter the gum line and adhere to fillers or another dental things. 

Are Yellow Teeth Wicked?

Are you also worried about your teeth’s health because they aren’t white? Numerous people believe that stained teeth designate poor oral hygiene and a corrupt smile. Although there is nothing wrong with wishing for whiter teeth, there might also be barely anything wrong with your dental health or dental routine if your gums are slightly yellowish. 

Can Yellow Teeth Become White?

Teeth yellow with age as a consequence of diet and lifestyle. Teeth yellowing and staining can occur in both adults and children. Extrinsic and intrinsic stains are two terms used to label tooth staining.

Inadequate brushing, a lot of tea or coffee, and smoking are all mutual causes of teeth staining. The stains will make your teeth seem discolored. It’s good to recollect anything that can discolor and stain your teeth. Acidic foods can also erode enamel, making it easier for dyes to adhere to the teeth. Medication is often the cause of internal tooth yellowing and discoloration.

How can you Remove Yellow Stains from your Teeth?

Here are some of the natural methods through which one can change their tooth color:

  • Brushing your teeth daily
  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
  • Coconut oil pulling
  • Using Apple cider vinegar
  • Lemon, orange, or banana peels
  • Activated charcoal

Though, some want fast and immediate results that professionals can do only. The most rapid way to get rid of yellow teeth is to experience professional teeth procedures by visiting a dental practitioner at a close dental clinic.

Your dentist can also make you a routine mouth guard to use for at-home bleaching and the necessary whitening products such as whitening strips, whitening toothpaste, and other whitening treatment kits. Different dentists have dissimilar whitening solutions which differ in price.

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The most rapid way to get rid of yellow teeth is to have professional stain removal and whitening teeth procedures done. Though, the journey to whiter teeth should usually begin at home. But you should consider making changes to lessen the number of yellow stains on your teeth and keep your teeth strong.


We have shared everything about Why your Teeth are Yellow even after Brush Them Every day in this article on “Why Are My Teeth Yellow When I Brush Them Everyday” if the info that we shared above helped you in any way then do share it with others.

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