6 Ways To Beat Dry Eyes At Home


Your eyes’ health is important as it allows you to do plenty of things. Without a clear vision, you might have trouble accomplishing tasks at home, even when it comes to simple tasks such as washing the dishes and cooking eggs. With that, you should take care of your eyes as it could affect plenty of things you might not be aware of.


Ideally, you should always check for any issues that might occur. Knowing the symptoms of dry eyes would be helpful as you’ll have an idea of what to look out for and whether you need professional help. However, if you have one already, there are home remedies you could try.

Ways To Beat Dry Eyes At Home


With that, listed below are some ways to beat dry eyes at home:

1. Improve Humidity At Home

One of the most non-invasive and effective ways to help beat dry eyes at home is improving humidity. This way, you don’t have to apply any drops inside your home as you can allow nature to take its course. If your home is too dry, it could affect the health of your skin and eyes. To keep your eyes wet and healthy, you should improve the humidity inside your home at all times.


Start by using a humidifier. This way, you can allow the device to spread humidity inside your home, allowing for moist air. However, if you don’t have a humidifier and need a quick fix, you might want to try to leave your doors open while you shower and allow the steam to spread into your home. Additionally, you can even add a bowl of water on window sills to allow any hair that’s coming through to be full of water for maximum hydration.

2. Rest Eyes

Sometimes, when people spend so much time in front of their computers or focus on looking at a single object, they might exhaust their eyes, making them dry. While it might be frustrating as you can’t get any job done since your eyes are dry and irritated, it’s your eyes’ call for help to take a rest and rehydrate as much as possible. When this happens due to tiredness, you should pause your work and allow your eyes to take a rest.

As you rest your eyes, you should consider closing your eyes for at least 20 seconds. Moreover, you might want to follow the 20-20-20 rule during your work, wherein you need to look at something else every 20 minutes that’s at least 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds. It’ll be a short exercise that’ll help your eyes relax and keep them away from full exposure to your computer screens or crafts.

3. Apply Warm Compress

If you’re looking for quick relief for your dry eyes but don’t have access to eye drops since you can’t leave home, applying a warm compress would do the trick. This way, you can allow its warmth to provide moisture into your eyes and try to bring back the hydration it lost. This is a non-invasive procedure that’ll help provide optimal results.

When applying a warm compress to your eyes, ensure that it’s within a tolerable and comfortable temperature. The last thing you want to happen to your eyes is to burn as you opt for hot water. As you apply a warm compress to your eyes area, you can allow it to have a quick minute break, hitting two birds with one stone. Moreover, it’ll also help you relax and avoid getting stressed due to dry eyes.


4. Blink More

When completing a task and you’re too focused on your goal, you might not notice it, but you’re not blinking as much as you should be. Since your full attention is toward a single object, you may not be blinking enough to keep your eyes hydrated. Apart from your tear glands, blinking helps keep your eyes hydrated. However, if you blink less, it can cause dry eyes.

Whether you’re focusing on your computer screens, reading, or doing some arts and crafts, you should try to blink more as you should. However, having a frequent reminder might be too annoying, or you might even forget to do so. In addition to the 20-20-20 rule, you might want to consider resting your eyes for 20 seconds every 20 minutes to keep your eyes well-hydrated.

5. Stay Hydrated

Every part of your body needs a good amount of water to function normally, including your eyes. Your body may not help keep them hydrated if they don’t have many resources. To help your body hydrate your eyes well, you should keep yourself hydrated at all times. This way, you can have a fresh set of eyes and avoid drying them unintentionally.

Ideally, you should determine your water goal for your age and weight. This will help you identify how many gallons of water you need to drink per day to keep your body hydrated. With the right amount of water, you can allow for better metabolism, plump skin, prevent kidney damage, cushion organs and tissues, and more. This way, you can allow yourself to be healthy and avoid dehydration at the same time.

6. Update Your Diet

Along with the water you drink, the food you eat can also affect your eye condition. To help your body prevent dry eyes, you should update your diet high in fatty acids as they’re helpful with relieving symptoms of dry eyes. The fat can help reduce inflammation, making it a great resolution, especially if you’re already experiencing it.


As you update your diet to high in omega-3 fatty acids, you should ensure that you still keep them balanced as much as possible. You can play with salmon, tuna, sardines, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybean oil. Luckily, there are plenty of food recipes you could try to mix and match together to eat delicious meals while also helping to relieve your dry eye symptoms.


As you fight your symptoms with dry eyes, ensure that you let them rest to keep them hydrated. It’ll only take a few seconds of your day to help keep your eyes away from irritations and redness. However, if you notice that basic home remedies aren’t helping, you should consult with a professional right away for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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