The Comprehensive and Diabetic Eye Exams


We value our sight along with our other senses as it is these that allow us to go about our daily lives with ease. Sight is an important sense in many walks of life. Our eyes alert us to danger when it is present and help us at every minute of the day. They work very hard for many years, but as we all know sight can and does deteriorate with age and with some conditions. Diabetes is one such condition and we’ll talk more about that later, but first, we’re going to have a look at why a regular comprehensive eye exam is important.


Why You Need a Regular Comprehensive Eye Exam

If you are looking for somewhere that performs eye exams in Edmonton we advise you to look for reputable opticians with good customer testimonies. Ask to talk to the people involved and see how you get on with them, and also note their prices! So, what is involved with a comprehensive eye exam and why should you have your eyes checked regularly in this way? Your sight is more fragile than you might suppose, and there are many reasons to have a check on a regular basis.

Diabetic Eye Exams


Eyesight can be affected by many things, and a comprehensive eye exam will look for all of them. They will be able to see, for example, if you have cataracts forming or perhaps glaucoma, and will test for your general eyesight to record any deterioration from a prior prescription. The eye test does still involve reading letters from a card, yet it is a lot more advanced now thanks to the development of technology for use in this instance.

If you find an optometrist in Edmonton, they’ll be happy to talk you through any of the processes as some can look quite frightening if you have not seen them before. Rest assured that a comprehensive eye exam is painless and will uncover any untoward signs that your eyes need further attention, or simply tell you that you need new glasses or contact lenses!


Do You Need a Diabetes Eye Exam?

There are known links between diabetes and sight problems so an optometrist will recommend that you have a specialist diabetic eye exam regularly. Diabetes can induce some eye conditions that include aforementioned glaucoma and cataracts, and also others such as diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macula edema.

All of these can develop surprisingly quickly and have a dramatic effect on the eyesight, hence the need for regular exams. If there are problems your optometrist will discuss the situation and refer you to a consultant with who you can discuss treatment or may be able to offer treatment themselves.

Other factors that can dramatically affect eyesight include long hours working with a computer screen, which is why it is recommended you take regular breaks, and there are further diseases and illnesses that can have an adverse effect on our sight. Let’s not forget age, as the eyes – along with other senses – become less efficient in many older people.

In Conclusion

We are fortunate that the technology is available to correct most sight problems, and as the years go by such technology will become better. It is always best, for example, to keep up to date with your prescription over the years as wearing glasses that are an old prescription may be making the problems worse. As we said at the beginning, our eyes work hard for a lifetime, and putting too much strain on them does not help. So, remember to book that comprehensive eye exam and see if you need new lenses.

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