Top 3 All Natural Diet Plans


Natural Diet Plans

As the human way of life becomes more complex, the approaches and definitions of diet have also become more complex. When it comes to health and weight management, diet plans always come into play. With the re-emergence of health consciousness among many communities, the need for natural diets is on the rise. While variety is good to have a good selection and options, it makes choosing the best diet a complicated task. We’ll explore some of the top natural diet plans here to help you decide on your diet options.


Natural Diet Plans


The Egg Diet

The egg diet plan is becoming a popular food regimen for people trying to lose or manage their weight. For those who have only heard or known about this type of diet just recently, you may be asking “what is the egg diet?” or “how can this diet help me manage my weight?” From a dietary and nutritional definition, it mainly consists of an egg. It is a high-protein, low carbohydrate, and low-calorie diet.

This diet plan is mainly based on hard-boiled eggs as the primary source of protein. This diet is a great aid for weight loss and maintaining muscle mass by using an egg as an alternative source of protein. People who religiously follow this diet plan have reported positive effects on their weight loss targets. They didn’t experience a reduction in their muscle mass. One catch of this diet is the reduction of carbohydrates and calories, which affects your energy, making you feel tired easily. To counteract the negative effects of this diet plan, you can introduce variations to your dishes such as adding fruits as your natural calorie source.

The Paleo Diet

You may have wondered why our early ancestors were very lean and fit. They rarely developed health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, or cancer. Much of it has been attributed to their diet, which is also supported by the findings of scientists and paleologists. Because of this, there is a surge in the popularity of this diet and a growing desire by people to reconnect with our primitive diets, especially the ones from our paleolithic ancestors.


The paleo diet is somewhat in the same vein as the egg diet due to the emphasis on protein intake, but it also establishes itself as a distinct diet plan due to the principle of not eating processed foods, limiting or eliminating salt, and significantly reducing or eliminating wheat, grains, dairy, and legumes. Instead, this diet mostly consists of meat, fish, eggs, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and healthy fats and oils. Again, significantly reducing carbohydrates may reduce your energy significantly. So try to compensate for this by varying the amounts of other parts such as seeds and fruits.

The Mediterranean Diet

One of the least restrictive but the healthiest diet plans is the Mediterranean diet. The diet plan is simply based on the foods that are commonly consumed in the Mediterranean regions from the early days up to the 20th century. Dietitians, nutritionists, and scientists have found that this type of diet plan does not help with weight loss. It also helps prevent lifestyle diseases, particularly heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Mediterranean diet plan emphasizes more on eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, herbs, spices, legumes, fish, seafood, and extra virgin olive oil. Cheese, yogurt, poultry, and eggs can be eaten in moderation while eating red meat should be eaten rarely. Sugar-sweetened beverages, processed meat, refined grains, and other processed foods are not allowed in this diet plan. One downside of this diet is a slow muscle buildup due to regulated protein type intake. Nevertheless, this type of diet is more convenient to follow due to the many variations and alternatives to Mediterranean dishes and ingredients.

Variety is the spice of life, including dieting. Our bodies have different preferences and work in different ways, translating into different dietary requirements. We are the ones who know which diet plan works for us best so give us some time to try out the natural diet plans you have chosen and observe their effects. The changes to your body don’t happen overnight, so patiently observe them over time. Also, choose diet plans that are backed by science. You can remedy side effects and other adverse effects if you have chosen a certain diet plan. The bottom line is to choose a scientifically-backed diet that you can be comfortable with for a long time.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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