Things You Should Know Before Joining a Bikini Competition


Hearing the phrase “bikini competition” may conjure up images of sexy ladies in one’s mind. But, the truth is that a bikini competition is not just about being sexy. It is also about being strong. It isn’t something that’s for the faint of heart. Getting a toned physique and going through rigorous bodybuilding for weeks and months is definitely not an easy thing to do. However, for women who are sexy and strong both inside and out a well-sculpted body is not an impossible endeavor. If you’re among those women who will be joining a bikini competition for the first time, here are some of the things that you should know:


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Bikini Competition


Make sure you are prepared both mentally and physically.

A bikini competition requires one not just to be physically strong. A woman joining such kind of competition would need to undergo extreme physical training, coupled with strict diet regulations as well. Being under a competition diet for four to more than twenty weeks would lead you to lose more fats. If you’re not completely prepared mentally for this, chances are you will also lose some amount of your own determination and courage. The women behind Kids vs Bikini recommend that within these twenty weeks your body should look almost competition ready. Alas, the process of getting physically fit may also entail going through the constant critiquing of your entire physique and thus being mentally strong is also a requirement at this phase.


Joining a bikini competition can be costly.

A bikini competition entails serious efforts and serious financial costs as well. Hiring a coach alone would have you paying around $200 on a monthly basis. You also need to have a personal trainer that costs $40-$100 per session. Plus, you also need to purchase semi-custom suit, which can cost $150 or more. Joining the show also requires you to undergo tanning which can cost you around $50. Add in another $100 for your hair and makeup while also paying for posing coaching that warrants another $20-$50 for an hourly rate. But wait, there’s more! You also need to spend a significant amount of money on vitamins and supplements.

You should be serious about taking vitamins and supplements.

The competition diet that you need to undergo while training should be coupled with regular intake of vitamins and minerals that will help power you through the rigorous training. These supplements help your body to recover faster while also helping you stay in good health as the competition day approaches. Some of the vitamins and supplements that you need to take may include Vitamin C, E and B12, magnesium, calcium, zinc, collagen, and iron.

A bikini competition is more than just wearing sparkling bikinis and getting a spray tan. You have to dedicate several months of intense physical training that not only improves how your body looks but also your ability to discipline yourself. Don’t insist on more when you’re asked to only consume one chicken breast at a time.


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