Why does acne occur?


Recently, more and more adult women are reporting acne related to the effects of chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, environment, and lifestyle.


In order to control acne, you need to focus on eliminating the effects of stress, eating a healthy diet, and incorporating the right anti-acne cosmetic products that are best suited to your skincare regimen, as recommended by a skincare expert.

Why does acne occur?


Chronic stress

The main factor leading to acne in adults is chronic stress. Acne in adult women is twice as common as in men, because women are most susceptible to stress and anxiety. Chronic long-term stress causes an increase in stress hormones that contribute to an increase in sebum activity, slow down cell renewal and thus create ideal conditions for the development of inflammatory elements. Exposure to stress also leads to signs of premature aging, with skin looking tired and uneven. To reduce the effects of stress on your skin, perform deep and slow breathing exercises to help eliminate tension and anxiety. As stress is eliminated, also incorporate the use of exfoliants and masks into your home care regimen to help eliminate congestion.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

It is important to consider the condition of the gastrointestinal tract when determining the cause of acne. So if you have gastrointestinal problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Helicobacter pylori, or intestinal ulcers, acne may be due to this. Aciphex, which is usually prescribed for such diseases, can also cause skin rashes.


Hormonal imbalance

Scientific research proves that the endocrine system is linked to sebaceous gland activity. The endocrine system is also called the “brain of the skin.” Stress stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands, which produce the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. As a result, levels of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline increase and levels of progesterone, which is a natural anxiolytic (calming agent), decrease. This hormonal shift can lead to internal imbalances and the appearance of inflammatory elements on the skin. In addition to reducing chronic stress, it is important to observe under what situations inflammatory elements occur. If you notice a certain periodicity of inflammatory elements, such as after menstruation or after exposure to stress, contact a professional to adjust your skin care regimen. See your physician if you are pregnant, going through menopause, or have any health concerns.


Exposure to ultraviolet light and the change of seasons will stimulate skin cell production, increase sebum production and increase microcirculation, which in turn will worsen acne. Working in a hot, humid environment, such as a kitchen or other industrial settings, can also worsen acne.


Smoking, lack of skin cleansing, wearing tight and irritating clothes, taking certain medications can affect the course of acne. Some makeup, hair and skincare products may contain comedogenic ingredients that contribute to blockages and inflammatory elements.

Squeezing inflammatory elements can do far more harm than good, as there is a risk of skin infection with bacteria, leading to damage, scarring, even more inflammation and premature skin aging.

Sugar intake

Eating large quantities of sugary and refined foods contributes to increased sebum production and the progression of acne. Eat more vegetables, whole grains, and foods high in antioxidants to prevent acne and clear your skin. Use salicylic acid and clay-based products to reduce sebum production.


If you have taken all of the above measures and the inflammatory elements continue to appear, seek additional help from a skin care professional to find out the cause and get personalized appointments.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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