Things to Watch Out for After A Concussion


A concussion is the most common but least severe form of brain injury. Concussions are caused by a blow to the head or a violent back and forth movement. The sudden movement of the head causes the brain to move back and forth in the skull resulting in an injury.


Concussions are common with victims of a rear collision type of car accident and people who participate in contact sports such as football.

Getting Treatment for A Concussion

While a concussion may not be life-threatening, getting medical attention can help manage the symptoms and rule out other severe forms of traumatic brain injuries.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to pass out after suffering a concussion. You can feel perfectly normal even for up to 48 hours after an injury to experience the first symptom.

When seeking treatment for a concussion, the best idea would be to see a doctor specializing in traumatic brain injuries. If you don’t know where to start, this guide on how to get immediate treatment for a concussion can help you get leads.


Things to Watch Out For

After a head trauma or an accident, it is possible to feel okay. However, feeling fine doesn’t mean you are out of danger. A common misconception is that a person must pass out after a concussion.

While this may be a major red flag, most people who suffer a concussion do not pass out. Here are some things you may want to be on the lookout for if you suspect you have a concussion.

1.    Symptoms

After head trauma, concussion symptoms will most likely show and often include:

  • Passing out, no matter how briefly
  • Memory loss, for example, not having a recollection of what happened
  • Persistent headache that begins immediately after head trauma or accident
  • A sense of confusion, blank expression, or an inability to respond to questions
  • Moving clumsily
  • Confusion or fogginess
  • Persistent headaches
  • Mood behavioral and personality changes
  • Double or blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Sensitivity to light

2.    The Three-Phase Recovery Process

On average, a concussion will take roughly ten days to heal. However, some symptoms can take longer. Knowing what to expect in the days following a concussion can help you track your progress and know when to go back to the doctor if your symptoms don’t seem to go away.

First /Acute Phase

The acute phase is the first 72 hours after an accident or a head injury. It is within this period that most symptoms show. Doctors recommend disengaging from any physical activity.


Additionally, if you are a caretaker of someone that has suffered a head injury, it is essential to ensure that they are not left alone, especially in the first 48 hours.

Second /Recovery Phase

After 72 hours, most concussion symptoms should have manifested, and a patient should be showing signs of improvement. At this stage, the patient can engage in non-vigorous physical activity that does not require overexertion. However, before resuming your normal duties like going to work, you must consult your doctor. The recovery phase lasts from the third day to the tenth day.

Third /Transition Phase

The third phase runs from the tenth day up to the 21st day. By this time, all symptoms should have disappeared. If not, your doctor may need to do some examination to rule out the possibility of a more serious injury.

If you or someone suffering from a concussion is an active athlete, resuming active sports in this period will depend on the doctor’s directives. Ideally, you should be out of trouble, but it would help if you avoided extremely violent sports for longer.

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