10 Signs It’s Time for Assisted Living


Assisted living is a controversial subject for some of us. However, seeing as studies have shown a reduction in functional degradation with assisted living,  it might not be a bad approach. Watch out for these signs to know when it’s time for assisted living:


1.Inability to work

As our biological clock winds down, the musculoskeletal system is one of the first to be affected. We lose the ability to work or play as usual, which progresses to impaired or loss of function on our hands and feet. If you have noticed that your loved one or a parent is struggling to complete daily activities such as cooking or cleaning, it might be time to pay for assisted living. Reputable facilities not only provide one-on-one care, but they also handle activities such as cleaning and cooking. Residents also have access to group therapy sessions that improve their wellness.


In old age, self neglect could manifest in one or more of the following ways:

  • Personal care can become difficult. Even though your loved one(s) could be claiming to bathe regularly and brush their teeth, this could be a white lie. You might notice a few stains on their clothes. In extreme cases, some people might have strong body odor or develop debilitating skin conditions such as dermatitis neglecta because of poor hygiene. If you notice any of these signs, it might be time to book an appointment with your preferred assisted living center.
  • In most cases, people who cannot take care of themselves are not able to take care of their homes as well. Floors and walls will be dirty. Clutter might also accumulate in social spaces such as the living room, causing a health hazard.
  • Almost all of us receive power, gas, or water bills, which we have to settle every month. Failure to settle such bills can be an indicator of neglect or an underlying psychological problem such as memory loss. If present, consider assisted living.

3.Poor eating habits

Good nutrition supports good physical and mental health. However, with old age, some people are not able to cook healthy and nutritious meals, which ends up harming their health or stifling their development. Physical signs such as rapid or unexplained weight loss are good indicators of an underlying diet problem.

Some people might also substitute fresh meals with junk foods such as burgers or fries from their local outlets. These aggravate existing health conditions such as diabetes, which is common in old age. Long-term assisted care facilities serve regular and nutritious meals to residents. Read on to find good insights into what to look for in an adult family home in Seattle.


4.Forgetting to take medicine

Most of us will forget to attend appointments or to take medicine once in a while as we age. However, if your parent or loved one fails to take medicine occasionally, this points to an existing problem that might worsen if you do not take care of it. Medicines for chronic conditions such as diabetes and/or high blood pressure, for instance, preserve life. Even though strict monitoring of a loved one at home can increase compliance, professional memory care is sustainable. You should opt for assisted living instead.

5.Frequent accidents

Most of us have accidents as we age. We trip on wires and stairs and bruise an elbow or two occasionally. However, if such accidents happen at regular intervals, you should do the right thing by paying for assisted living. With staff always watching your loved one, they can prevent all forms of accidents, even the types that are often undetected. Moreover, unlike in standard homes, the facilities have adult-friendly installations. The doors have ramps instead of stairs. Common areas such as toilets have support rails. Most facilities are also far from busy streets, which lowers the risk of road accidents.

6.Medical emergencies

You will not be able to help your loved one handle a medical emergency such as a seizure or hyperglycemia some of the time. If such medical emergencies occur at an alarming frequency, you will be doing your loved one more harm than good by keeping them at home. These chronic health conditions often worsen with age and can be life-threatening if you do not address them adequately, quickly. Fortunately, your loved one will get 24-hour professional care in an assisted care or live-in center.

7.Angry or aggressive mood

Adults who are in desperate need of attention or care can vent out their frustrations through aggression. They can also have intermittent bouts of anger or be combative. Aggression and anger are dangerous to the elderly because they are prone to injuring themselves when agitated. As cognitive impairment progresses to dementia, they can also harm loved ones or caretakers if they do not receive professional help. Assisted living facilities have professionals with training in different facets of care, which includes handling aggressive patients.


Individuals who feel alone and isolated can withdraw from society and develop a depressed state. Watch out for the following major symptoms of depression:

  • Persistent low mood or feeling worthless
  • Loss of interest in activities of things they used to enjoy
  • Poor concentration while working or socializing
  • Persistent thoughts of suicide or self-harm

Enrollment in an assisted living center can reverse such ills and improve quality of life.

9.Wandering off

The reports of the elderly wandering off from home are widespread. This should be a major concern for you, because it will happen at some point. If it has happened once or twice already, you should start the conversation of enrolling them in an assisted living facility. You will be at peace knowing that they are safe.

10.Caregiver burnout

If you have hired a caregiver who is constantly showing signs of burnout, enrolling your patient in an assisted care facility might be a good solution. Caring for some patients requires a collaborative effort, which is available in plenty in assisted living centers.


If your loved one struggles to work, is negligent of self or the home, or shows signs of depression or anger, start the conversation today. Frequent accidents and medical emergencies, poor eating habits, and reports of loved ones wandering off are other common signs.

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