The Key Advantages of Inpatient Rehab


Addiction is an illness that takes considerable strength and support to overcome. Everyone is different and so each individual entering rehab will have different treatment requirements. The main choice of a treatment program, aside from medical requirements, is based on whether a person needs to remain at home or move to a different location in order to get the help they need.


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Although almost everyone attends addiction treatment or recovery support as an outpatient at some stage of their journey, it is not effective for all as a primary source of care. Programs at inpatient treatment centers always begin with detoxification which may need to be medically supervised and it is not unusual for people to complete the process as an inpatient. However, the rehab component of a treatment program that follows immediately after detox very often requires a continuance of care within an inpatient treatment center.

Inpatient Rehab


Here we take a look at the advantages of inpatient treatment centers and the types of individuals who benefit most from it.


The Nature of Addiction

Addiction is a chronic or long-term illness that can take many years, sometimes a lifetime, to fully recover from. It is always important to accept this fact when seeking help for substance abuse because the challenges individuals face in treatment are not to be taken lightly.

There is no pill that can be prescribed to a person addicted to drugs or alcohol that will eliminate their symptoms or cure them. This is mainly because of the effects of substances on the brain which can be extremely damaging, with symptoms becoming progressively worse unless the person seeks treatment.

Addiction illness is made more complicated because substance use starts out as a voluntary action and develops into a compulsive habit that can’t be controlled. Many people lose sight of the original reasons they had for turning to alcohol or drugs as their bodies become physically dependent on the chemical stimulation it regularly receives.

Because every individual with substance use disorder will have their own issues to face, there is no “one size fits all” approach to treatment. Whether the individual enters an outpatient or inpatient drug rehab program depends on their personal circumstances and specific treatment needs. Ultimately, whatever path is chosen, it should lead to a successful recovery where sobriety is maintained for the long-haul.


Who Benefits from Residential Rehab?

There are many individuals who simply have no choice but to enter inpatient treatment centers. Some are forced to do so as a condition of a judicial sentence whereas others may have gone through an intervention from loved ones. It is probably no surprise that a lot of people in rehab did not choose to enter into treatment of their own volition although success rates for those taking this route are extremely high.

There are other cases where individuals are recommended to attend inpatient drug rehab including:

  • Primary caregivers with dependents at home and cannot commit themselves to a residential treatment program
  • Those who come from difficult home lives where they may be enabled to use substances
  • Individuals who have become a threat to themselves as a result of substance abuse
  • People requiring medical detox and continued supervision in rehab
  • Dual-diagnosis clients who have an addiction and a co-existing mental illness

The Benefits and Advantages of Inpatient Care

A residential addiction treatment program is considered to be the most effective path to successful recovery. This is mainly for the following reasons:

  • Patients are completely removed from the environments associated with substance abuse
  • A heavily scheduled program of therapy sessions and treatment keeps them busy throughout the day so there’s no time to consider obtaining and using substances
  • Nutritional, dietary and physical fitness are offered as treatment components within a disciplined framework not available to outpatients
  • Complete immersion into overcoming addiction with full treatment focus on the individual
  • Clients are integrated into a recovery community at inpatient drug rehab centers through sharing the facility with them
  • A completely sober and safe environment is offered where clients feel comfortable discussing their issues with therapists and others in rehab

Aftercare Following Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

Because inpatient rehab offers a safe place for people with addiction, they often need extra support when they first return home after treatment. Addiction is a relapsing illness and so it is important clients know how to apply their freshly-learned coping strategies to their home lives.

Aftercare is a crucial component of inpatient alcohol rehab and unlike other phases, programs have an indeterminate duration; in other words, support is made available for as long as the individual needs it. Research shows that long-term recovery outcomes are promoted when patients are assisted by an aftercare program.

Inpatient alcohol rehab is possibly the most comprehensive form of addiction treatment as it allows people to experience a rapid lifestyle change. People who have been abusing substances need to assess the people they know and the places they frequent when they want to quit. Significant lifestyle changes are necessary in order to live substance-free, which are made with much more ease within a residential treatment setting.

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