John Abraham Diet Plan & Workout


John Abraham Diet Plan – If you are working for a super well-built body and a ripped beach body, the John Abraham workout and diet plan has always been the talk of the town. John Abraham has always been known for his astonishing physique in the world of modeling, previous to becoming a Bollywood superstar. Presently, he has one of the best physiques in Bollywood with broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and six-pack abs.


John likes to work out by concentrating on two body parts per day, one major muscle group and one minor muscle group for maximum bodybuilding. These types of transformations are therefore a result of sheer hard work and dedication in terms of training and diet. 

John Abraham Diet Plan

John Abraham Diet Plan


If you want to know more about the John Abraham workout and diet plan then read this article carefully.

Who is john Abraham?

John Abraham is a model and an actor who’s known for his figure and fitness. John is viewed as one of the fittest Bollywood actors with a gigantic physique. People who are into fitness or have serious body-building goals get encouraged by him. John Abraham’s diet plan and workout routine should be followed regularly to achieve a muscular body. The finest part of John’s diet is that he is vegetarian but still possesses huge biceps, triceps, six-pack abs, and everything thing in a body that a man desires. He has trashed the myth that consuming only vegetarian food can’t help you gain muscles. According to numerous sources he has been claimed one of the sexiest men in India numerous times because of his amazing physique.


John Abraham’s fitness has been an inspiration for many. His diet plans and workout rules are very simple but need to be followed carefully regularly to achieve the impossible. Before coming into the acting industry John was in the modeling business. Then after spending hours in the gym and following a proper diet, he established this perfect body. 

John Abraham Diet Plan

You cannot achieve anything if you are not taking care of yourself properly. When it comes to emerging a perfect body, a perfect diet plays an important role. Along with diet intense workout with rest is unconditionally necessary. John consumes protein, carbohydrates, and fiber in the precise amount to achieve this. 

  • To complete protein intake, John consumes milk, sprouts, and milk products. 
  • To complete carbohydrate intake, John consumes potatoes, grains, jawar, and bajra. 
  • To complete fiber intake, John consumes green vegetables and fruits like apples and lemons. 

if you have a correct combination of fat, carbs, protein, and fat regularly in your diet, you will always lead a good lifestyle and can focus on your goals easily. 

John Abraham Workout Plan

Sideways with following a proper diet plan, there needs to be a correct workout plan to achieve the body you desire for. John Abraham follows a proper workout plan which leads to the development of his correct broad shoulders, huge biceps, six-pack abs, and strong leg muscles. Powerful regular workouts have always been the main. 

What is the Weekly workout plan for John Abraham like? 

His workout plan is pretty simple, John at least cycles for 15 minutes a day to burn calories. Along with this he also jogs and runs regularly to keep himself fit. Cycling and running help in the solidification of your leg muscles. 

  1. Monday (Chest Day) (3 sets, 12 reps)
  • Bench press
  • Kettlebell chest press
  • Machine fly
  • Incline dumbbell press
  • Decline dumbbell press
  • Pike pushes up
  • Barbell bench press
  • Cable crossover
  1. Tuesday (Abs and back) (3 sets, 12 reps)
  • Back muscles
  • Pull-up
  • Bent-over row
  • T-bar row
  • Seated row
  • Deadlift (to increase intensity)
  • Abs
  • Sit-up
  • Push-u
  • Plank
  • Crunches
  • Jack-knife
  1. Wednesday (Abs and shoulders) (3 sets, 12 reps)
  • Abs
  • Russian twist
  • Leg raise
  • Hanging knee raises
  • Renegade row
  • Shoulders
  • Push up
  • Overhead press
  • Front raise
  • Dumbbell shoulder press
  1. Thursday (triceps and biceps) (3 sets, 15 reps)
  • Biceps
  • Barbell curl
  • Chin-up
  • Cable curl
  • Hammer curl
  • Facing-away cable curl
  • Triceps
  • Diamond push-ups
  • Rope pushdowns
  • Bar pushdowns
  • Dips
  • Kickbacks
  1. Friday (legs) (3 sets, 15 reps)
  • Squats
  • Lunge
  • Calf raises
  • Leg press
  • Wall sit
  • Leg curl
  • Bridge
  1. Saturday (abs) (3 sets, 15 reps)
  • V Ups
  • Abs roll out
  • V sits
  • Cable crunch
  1. Sunday (Rest Day)

The 7th day in a week should always be obvious as a rest day, John says. Your muscles need rest to recover and display their ultimate potential. Sideways with workouts, a proper diet plan is also mandatory to increase metabolism.

FAQs (frequently asked questions):

  • How many hours a day does John Abraham work out?

For the cardio workout, John Abraham mentions cycling, each day he cycles for about 15-20 min to burn around 300 to 400 calories. When he can’t go outside, he does cardio on an immobile bike.

  • Which protein does John Abraham use?

John is a vegetarian, and it is very hard to get protein sources in a veg diet. Therefore, we went strict on soya, sprouts, and whey protein to recover his protein requirements. His diet contains six meals a day.

  • Does John Abraham eat eggs?

Even though John typically likes to be a vegetarian and doesn’t eat meat, he has fished for dinner to achieve the huge amount of protein essential. Fish and eggs are the only animal proteins he consumes.

  • What supplements does John Abraham use?

Sideways with his regular diet, John Abraham also takes multivitamin pills and protein supplements.

  • How did John Abraham lose weight?

John also had to keep a special diet to lose weight. “He had to completely avoid eating foods that were high on calories and carbohydrates,” says a source. John is satisfied to have successfully managed to lose weight and feels that his lean look matches his character.

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We have shared everything about john Abraham diet plan in this article if the info that we shared above for you helped you in any way then do share it with others.

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