How to Keep Track of Your Weight Loss Progress


Several people aim to lose weight for varying reasons. Some do so to help them manage their underlying medical condition while others intend to maintain their form. After all, ideal body weight can foster your overall well-being. This article lists down some of the ways to help you keep track of your weight loss progress.



Leverage Technology

One of the primary things that you can do to keep track of your weight loss is to leverage technology. In this case, you can try installing weight and nutrition management tools such as Noom on your phone to make it easy for you to track your progress. Explore online sources where you will most likely come across a noom weight loss review that will provide you with a good idea of whether these tools will satisfy your needs and preferences. On the other hand, if your smartphone has a built-in health app, then take advantage of it to monitor your weight loss progress.

Keep a Journal

Another way to keep track of your weight loss progress is to keep a journal to have a good idea of how far you have come. The key here is in logging the details that you want to monitor such as your weight or the size of your waistline daily. In this way, you will be able to compare any difference from your first day until a couple of weeks or months after. You can even try to note down your energy levels as well as the kinds of food that you have eaten and the amount of water you consumed for the day.

Take Photos

There is also the option for you to take photos of your body regularly for you to have a good idea of your weight loss progress. To minimize any other variability, it is a good idea to take your photo in the same spot where you took the first one. In parallel to this, make sure that you are wearing the same set of clothes each time you take your picture. In this case, you can have another person take your picture or capture your image in front of a mirror.


Check Your Clothes

Finally, you can also check your clothes to monitor your weight loss progress. For instance, if you can slip on a pair of jeans easier than you did before, then there is a great chance that you are already making progress. In the same manner, if your favorite shirt is already pretty baggy, then you may be losing more weight than you notice. This simply indicates that you are on the right track when it comes to weight loss.

To keep track of your weight loss progress, you can always leverage technology and install apps on your smartphone specifically designed for this purpose. Otherwise, you can always keep a journal or take photos for you to be able to gauge how far you have come. Even checking your clothes will give you a good idea of your progress. Rest assured that in the end, all your efforts in losing weight will prove to be worth it.

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