How to Use an Inversion Table For Stopping Back Pain


Back pain, or sciatica as it is medically referred to, is indeed a chronic health issue. The remedies available for the back pain differ much depending upon the symptoms that the patient is going through. Of all the sorts of back pains that have been found to affect you, the LBP or Lower Back Pain is one of the most common forms of back pain. Your therapist may suggest a host of remedies of which an inversion table assumes a place of importance. The therapy that involves inversion table for back pain can really work? If yes, how to use an Inversion Table for stopping back pain? Let us understand the basics of an inversion table in the following paragraphs.


Inversion Table – What It Is?

Well, by definition, an inversion table is the one that resembles a table in all probability. It is a padded table connected to a metal frame by means of hinges.

inversion table for back pain


Using it also should be easy and simple enough. You just need to strap yourself to the table and let it flip. The table will flip over slowly and thus invert your body. That should precisely explain the name Inversion Table. Your therapist would, in most probability suggest you the inversion therapy as it has been proved to be an effective treatment option for relief from back pain.

Inversion Tables help by stretching the muscles around the spine. This takes the pressure off from the nerves and the disc bones and can prove to be helpful in relieving you from back pain symptoms.


How To Use Inversion Table To Relieve You From Back Pain?

Using an Inversion Table should not be a rocket science for that matter. It works on the principle that by flipping your body, you pull away from gravity and thus the pressure on the nerves and bones is reduced.

The medical experts recommend using the inversion tables not more than 45 degrees from the horizontal. You are advised to use it for 10 minutes twice per day for two weeks. Complete dependence on the inversion tables alone is not recommended. The Best Inversion Table is the one that would help you unload the pressure off the bones, joints, and discs at the lower end of your back. The best reclining position recommended being used with an Inversion table is 20 to 30 degrees. This position should give you the best effects of Inversion Therapy.

The Inversion Table Therapy helps you out by removing the compression in the spinal cord and the muscles nearby. Back pain has several remedies suggested that include both clinical and non-clinical options. We would definitely consider the Inversion Therapy to be one of the best when it comes to non-clinical treatment methods that are likely to be more successful in treating your back pain.

How Does Inversion Table for back pain Work?

Well, if you need to understand the working principle of Inversion Table, it would be essential to understanding what exactly causes a back pain. This would be helpful in properly gaining an insight into how these primer techniques of relieving back pain work.

Our spine is made of discs. All through the work that we go throughout the day, the compression load on these discs increases. When the load increases further to a limit that the discs cannot bear it, muscle spasms begin to affect you. These muscle spasms are the root cause of the back pain that you experience. The inversion table flips your body and thus the loads affecting your spinal discs are applied in the opposite direction. The pressure on the spinal cord is thus relieved and you feel the relief from back pain.


Apart from shifting the loads on the spinal cord, inversion table also increases the blood flow to the spinal region. This will be an added benefit in relieving the damaged area of any of the nearby muscles. Constant use of inversion table for back pain can help you relieve the back pain and also do away the need for any spinal surgery.

Any Precautions Needed?

Well, the inversion table flips your body. This can cause unsafe blood pressure in some individuals. It is also known to increase the pressure on the eyes and cause an increased heart rate. These kinds of symptoms can be quite regular in case of almost any kind of exercise, but if you are someone suffering from glaucoma, heart ailments or high blood pressure, Inversion Table for back pain may not be recommended for you.

There are a few special cases where Inversion therapy may not be recommended. Such cases include spondylolisthesis or spinal fracture. If you are pregnant, you should definitely avoid the Inversion Therapy. People suffering from Hip or knee conditions, and those with a hernia are also discouraged from opting for the Inversion table for back pain.

Do Inversion Tables Work?

Well, FDA has recently permitted the sale of Inversion Tables as medical devices. This is an indication in itself that they do work. Recent researches have proved that the Inversion tables help restore the normal distance between the discs and reduce pain.

The technique has been in use since long. The Inversion Therapy dates back as early as 400 BC. Though they had no technology like the current times, they used the inversion technique for an effective remedy against back pain.


The Concluding Thoughts

Well, if you are someone suffering from lower back pain, Inversion Table therapy is the best in such circumstances. A visit to your nearest physical therapist would help you find the Best Inversion Table that would meet your requirements and degree of the problems you may be facing.

The inversion table technique is also known to improve your mental health. Some recent studies have indicated that the Inversion table Therapy can be helpful in treating mood swings and depression. It has also been indicated that the technology improves the alertness and the thinking capacity. Before you buy an Inversion table, check out inversion table reviews on renowned sites.

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