8 Tips To Overcome Binge Eating


To many people, binge eating is all about food. However, that’s not entirely the case because it is also a psychological condition. People with this condition cannot control their urge to eat, and when they do it, they take very large portions and start feeling guilty. This can result in undesirable conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in the long run. Do you think you might be suffering from binge or have already been diagnosed with it? Here are some helpful tips to help you control it.


1. Don’t Skip Meals

Setting an eating schedule and sticking to it is one of the most effective ways of overcoming binge eating. When it’s time to eat, make sure you do so. By doing so, you avoid getting cravings, which increases the risk of eating excessively at any time.

2. Identify Your Triggers and Address Them

Some people turn to binge eating after getting triggered by something such as boredom, stress, and loneliness. Try as much as you can to identify these triggers and address them. For example, you can take a walk or talk to someone to feel better whenever you feel sad.

3. Stay Hydrated

Hydrating is good for everyone, even those who don’t binge eat. However, it’s even more useful for people with binge eating disorders, as it helps control it. When you have a binge disorder and don’t hydrate enough, you can feel thirsty and confuse it for hunger. That makes you eat food even when you are not hungry. Also, drinking water makes you feel full, making you eat smaller portions.

4. Get Rid of Temptations

When food is easily available, and within reach, it can be easy to get tempted and eat it anytime. To prevent that, don’t buy excess food, especially unhealthy ones, and replace them with healthy ones. If you are going out, pack healthy snacks in small amounts. These may include fresh fruits, seeds, and nuts.


5. Add More Fiber in Your Portions

Taking foods rich in fiber such as avocados, bananas, chickpeas, and carrots keeps you full for long, reducing the urge to keep on eating. These foods do this by moving through the digestive system slower.

6. Hit The Gym

Studies have proven that incorporating exercise as part of your schedule can help control binge eating. Actually, a large number of people who have binge eating problems don’t exercise. Exercising acts as a distraction, and a person with this disorder can turn to it whenever they get cravings for eating. Additionally, it offers several health benefits, such as preventing high blood pressure and diabetes. It also helps the body release endorphins, which are good at boosting moods.

If you can’t hit the gym or aren’t comfortable with the idea, you can do it at home by walking, biking, or even swimming

7. Control Your Cravings

Although the urge to eat can be extremely overwhelming, you can still fight and overpower it. One of the ways of doing this is by distracting yourself. This simply means doing something that demands your attention, such as watching a movie or calling a friend, and having a lengthy talk. By the time you are done, you will not remember you were craving food. If you are finding it hard to control your cravings, you can make use of digital aids such as GoEatRightNow.com.

8. Get Professional Help

Sometimes, as much as you try to stop binge eating on your own, it can be a bit hard. That’s where professionals come in. They can come up with a strategy to help you control the condition. Don’t fear or be embarrassed to seek help. Professionals are not there to judge you or embarrass you but to get a solution for your problem.


Binge eating can cause you a lot of stress and guilt. It can also lead to medical problems such as obesity in the long run. Luckily, you can control it by adjusting some of your habits and addressing the triggers. If that doesn’t work, a professional can help you.

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