Qualities of a Good Alcohol and Drug Rehab Facility


What qualities should an Alcohol and Drug Rehab Facility have? The best place for all addicted individuals is a rehab facility. These facilities allow the addict to partake in various therapies, exercises, and other methods that help them battle their addiction. These different types of treatment come at a price, though, so while choosing the right facility means more than just location, it’s important to look at several qualities before settling on one. Such qualities include:



Do they have a large population of people who attend the rehab program, or is it a much smaller facility? This will factor into how many activities there are and how they can provide all necessary facilities for many patients. It’s important to remember, though, if the facility has too few patients, this could result in less attention from counselors and therapists. A good rule of thumb is somewhere between 15-25 patients per counselor/therapist.

Number of People in Treatment

How many people are currently being treated at the facility? This information will give you an idea of how thorough the program is. More people in treatment can provide more effective services because they’ve had more time to work with patients and develop individualized care plans.

Need for Relapse Prevention vs. Maintenance Therapy

One of the most important factors when choosing an alcohol and drug rehab facility such as The Process Recovery (https://www.theprocessrecoverycenter.com/massachusetts/) is your loved one’s current needs during recovery. There are two types of programs available – relapse prevention (RP) or maintenance (MT). RP focuses on helping patients learn skills that they can implement into their everyday lives after they leave rehab; MT is meant for patients who already have some level of stabilization in sobriety.

Maintenance programs focus on stabilization and continuing care, while relapse prevention teaches patients how to prevent future relapse episodes once they leave rehab. If your loved one has just completed detoxification or received help with their addiction but then relapsed, RP would be the recommended type of program. However, if this is not the case and your loved one has already stabilized in recovery but tends to have trouble staying sober long-term, MT may be the best choice for them.


Level of Staff Education

Do all employees continually receive training on new theories, research studies, treatment options/care plans, etc.? This information will give you an idea of how stable the facility is – meaning they are aware of new developments in the field and how to implement them into treatment plans.

Rehab Program Accommodations

Check for details on all aspects of patient care, including detoxification, individual therapies/groups, family therapy options if appropriate, aftercare planning options with therapists/counselors, etc. If your loved one has specific needs that will need to be addressed during rehab, make sure the facility can accommodate their needs. This will ensure they get the most out of their experience with a Brooklyn drug rehab program.

Detox Times

Determine what kind of detox program the facility offers – if it’s medically supervised or not. Depending on how long the patient was using alcohol and drugs, you can expect to see them anywhere from one week (for short-term detoxification) to six weeks (for longer-term detox). If medically supervised, healthcare professionals will monitor them 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This ensures their safety throughout the process.

Additional Programs

Check to see if other amenities are available at the facility, such as job training, life skills classes, support groups for family members of addicts, etc. These additional programs can help your loved ones become more well-rounded during their stay in rehab, increasing their likelihood of success in recovery.

A good Alcohol and Drug Rehab Facility should be an effective place to heal from substance abuse. It has been shown that evidence-based treatment, or rehabs that follow research and best practices in addiction treatment, can lower the risk of relapse and provide a solid foundation for long-term recovery. Various studies have found that combination drug and alcohol rehab programs produce better outcomes than residential treatment centers alone.


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