Ten Yoga Poses for Back-Pain


Everyone goes through back pain at some point in their life. Have you ever wondered why it’s happening? Have you tried to get rid of the pain? Taking vacations and sleeping not helping? We have answers to all these questions in this article.


The human body has forty groups of large muscles on the back. Injuring one muscle group creates a domino effect on other muscles as well. That is why a pain that starts from one place can impact your overall body movement, and cause serious discomfort in the long run.

If you’re tired of constantly battling back pain, seeking help from an orthopedic doctor or exploring holistic interventions like yoga can be beneficial. As a medical specialist, an orthopedic doctor can help identify the cause of the pain and recommend suitable treatments to manage your condition. On the other hand, yoga has been aiding individuals for thousands of years and has also proven effective in addressing various conditions, including back pain.

We have gathered ten fun yoga poses in this article to help relieve the discomfort.



1. Downward-facing Dog Pose With Trapeze

Hanging yoga trapeze can be a great yoga tool for back-muscle exercise. You can use it for stretching your spine. Trapeze can help stretch hamstring muscles which is one of the reasons for back pain.

You basically put your belly on the trapeze. Put your hands and feet on the floor, raise them and put your body weight on the swing. Make sure your tailbone is facing upwards.

The suspended nature of this yoga pose encourages greater engagement of your core muscles, fostering stability and balance.

Slowly raise your feet from the floor. The swing should be around your hamstring muscles. Walk forward with your palms slowly. Then walk backward. Keep your spine straight while doing this pose.

Now lower your feet but don’t let them touch the floor. Move your legs slowly to the left and right. Do it straight for thirty to thirty-five seconds.


In addition to the benefits it offers, this yoga pose introduces an element of playfulness and liberation to your practice. It challenges you to embrace a sense of adventure and trust in the support of the trapeze, providing a whole new perspective on the pose.

2. Downward-facing Dog Pose Without Trapeze

This pose is very similar to the previous one but it has its differences. To work on this pose, you need to put your hands and feet flat on the floor. Raise them upward. Your shoulder and spine should be aligned properly with your hands. Glutes and tail-bone area should align with your feet.

Now spread your shoulder blades and stretch for five seconds. Bring your shoulder blades close and squeeze them for five seconds. Do this fifteen to twenty times.

As you extend your spine, gentle traction is created, helping decompress the vertebrae and releasing tension while reducing compression in the back. This stretching, combined with the inverted position, effectively manipulates your upper body, promoting blood circulation and bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to your entire back, facilitating healing and rejuvenation.

3. Cat-Cow Pose

This is one of the popular yoga poses for back pain. If you are a beginner at yoga and can not do all the poses, the cat-cow pose is for you.


Put your knees and palms on the yoga mat. Just think that you are about to crawl out of your back-problems. Straighten your spine, hands parallel to your shoulder, and face forward.

Slowly bend your back downward and upward. When bending upward, look downward and when bending downward, look upward. Do this for three-four minutes straight.

This dynamic pose beautifully harmonizes two complementary postures, nurturing your spine and invigorating your entire being. The cat-like motion of the pose creates a fluid movement that gently massages your spine, awakening each vertebra and enhancing flexibility and mobility.

4. Slow-Rock Pose

Lie down on your back and stay in that position for two minutes. Now bring the knees to your chest, hug them tight, and slowly roll on both sides.

Make sure your tailbone is not touching the mat. Both the tailbone and the glutes should have some space between them. Do this pose for two to three minutes.


5. Child’s Pose

This pose is famous for taking the pressure out of the back. It’s an extremely efficient pose to ease back pain because of its linear factors over the spine.

Put your palms and feet on the yoga mat. The beginning of the pose is very similar to the cat-cow pose. Slowly push your glutes and tailbone backward to upward. Bring your chest down to your knees and head on the mat. Keep your hands parallel to your back.

Do this slowly fifteen times. Take rest during intervals and do it two more times. This pose is great for your glutes and hamstring as well.

6. Reclined-twist Pose

This is one of the effective poses for chronic lower-back problems. Lie down and put your back straight. Bring in your knees together and keep raising them until it’s facing the ceiling.

Keep your torso straight and twist your lower back from left to right. You must do this carefully. This pose might cause discomfort if done for too long. Do this every day for one minute straight.


7. Stand-straight-bend Pose

You need to stand straight for this pose. Keep the legs straight and bend forward. Your torso should remain close to your hamstrings. Your glutes should stick out for the bend to come from the hip.

Slowly touch the ground with your palms. You can also touch the toes if it does not discomfort you. Beginners should not touch anything at first. Try holding the stand-straight-bend pose for thirty to thirty-five seconds.

8. Pigeon Pose

This is one of the fun poses to do. Your hips should remain square to the yoga mat. Back-foot should extend straight in line with the hip. The front knee should remain directly in line with the hip and shin bone to the back foot.

Keep the spine straight and slowly put your head down to your front knee. Your chest should touch your knee. Keep your hands and shoulders relaxed during this position.

You should do this pose eight times for thirty seconds. Keep rotating your feet’s position to find a good balance.


9. Happy-baby Pose

Lie straight on your back. Hold your feet with your hands and bring the knees to your chest.

Now slowly pull your feet so that both knees are beside your chest. The goal is to make your knees touch the floor, keeping the torso straight and glutes out.

If you can’t make your knees touch the floor, keep them close to the floor. This pose is healthy for your supporting muscles for the back.

10. Plank Pose

There is no pose that is as effective as this one. It’s also very difficult to execute. It helps both reduces your back pain and belly fat.

Lie on your chest. Raise and support your torso with your elbow to keep balance. The spine and legs should remain straight and parallel to each other. Breath in with your nose and breath out from the mouth.


The pose is very difficult to survive through. You should start doing it for fifteen to twenty seconds at first. Keep increasing the duration by half a second each day. Overdoing it will increase the discomfort in your back, so do it efficiently.


Practicing different yoga poses is definitely helpful for back pain but a recent study suggests that it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. You have be to patient, especially if you are a beginner. These ten yoga poses are definitely fun to do and healthy for your back but consult with your doctor first. And, don’t forget to listen to your body. Namaste!

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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