7 Types And Treatment Options For Skin Lesions


The skin can be vulnerable to infections and irritations due to exposure to harmful bacteria. However, there are also skin lesions that occur along with illnesses, and some without known causes at all.


Several types of skin lesions root from different causes. Some are more harmful than others and require immediate care, while some can easily be treated at home or go away on their own. Whether it’s critical or not, skin lesions or any abnormalities on the skin need proper treatment, especially if they cause discomfort.

That said, here are ten types of skin lesions and their specific treatment options.

Types And Treatment Options For Skin Lesions


1. Papules

Papules are tiny bumps less than 10 mm in diameter. These lumps usually grow in clusters or irregularly in different areas. They may be white, red, brown, red, or flesh-colored. Some of the most common papules are warts and pearly penile papules in males.


Some treatment options for papules are electrosurgery, CO2 laser therapy, and cryosurgery. These procedures target the cells of the bumps to destroy the tissues from the core, which is efficient for preventing regrowth, especially of penile papules. You may check out this blog for further reading about this condition.

2. Blisters

Blisters are small fluid-filled lesions on the topmost layer of skin. These are commonly caused by friction, heat, infection, or allergic reaction. Due to its numerous possible causes, a checkup is the best way to find the best treatment option.

For blisters caused by sunburns or friction, keeping the affected area clean is sometimes enough to aid healing. However, you may also apply topical treatments and cold compress to ease discomfort. For blisters caused by eczema, topical corticosteroids help relieve itchiness and prevent infection.

3. Pustules

Pustules are raised skin lesions filled with pus or a yellowish fluid. Depending on the type, it may cause pain, itchiness, and general discomfort in the affected area. These bumps are commonly caused by inflammations. Some of the common examples are acne and boils.

Most pustules are treated with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and cortisone. Washing the area with a mild cleanser and cold water may help alleviate discomfort. It’s best to talk to a dermatologist to get the most effective treatment, especially if the lesions are causing throbbing pain or are recurring.


Types And Treatment Options For Skin Lesions

4. Macules

Macules are flat skin lesions with discoloration, which are usually smooth. These aren’t harmful and don’t cause any irritation or infection. The common causes of macules are vitiligo, melasma, sun spots, freckles, flat moles, and hyperpigmentation due to acne scars.

Although most macules are harmless, treating them is always a good option. Specific treatment shall be recommended depending on the diagnosis. For instance, light therapy, topical steroids, and surgery are some treatment options for vitiligo and melasma.

5. Nodules

Nodules are hard lumps that grow under the skin. These lesions are commonly caused by infection, iodine deficiency, hyperthyroidism, and lymphadenopathy or swollen lymph nodes. Depending on the affected area, it can be harmless, cause severe discomfort, or be cancerous. For instance, thyroid nodules may cause difficulty in swallowing. Therefore, it needs immediate medical attention.

Getting an accurate diagnosis is required to provide proper treatment. Some nodules may go away on their own, especially if there’s no infection. However, medications may still be prescribed. For nodules diagnosed as cancerous, surgery and radiotherapy may be recommended.


6. Rashes

Rashes are skin irritations that may cause redness, itchiness, and changes in skin texture. These are commonly caused by allergic reactions, bacterial infections, fungal infections, insect bites, and side effects of medications. Since these skin lesions may be caused by various conditions, consulting a professional is crucial.

One helpful tip when dealing with rashes is to avoid scratching since it may worsen the lesion. In some cases, home remedies like cold compress and applying watered-down apple cider vinegar can help relieve discomfort. If it worsens despite treatments, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional to provide a diagnosis and prescription.

7. Wheals

Wheals or hives are blotches on the skin that vary in size and cause swelling and redness. Allergies, insect bites, and exposure to sudden temperature changes commonly cause these skin lesions. It may spread on the body and become larger, causing itchiness and irritation. One example of wheals is hives.

In some cases, wheals caused by mosquito bites go away on their own, especially when applied with a cold compress. However, those caused by allergic reactions may need antihistamines like cetirizine or diphenhydramine. When hives are accompanied by breathing difficulty, call your emergency hotline.

When To Seek Immediate Medical Help

Although some skin lesions only cause minor discomfort and can be treated with home remedies, some conditions can be life-threatening. See a healthcare professional immediately when any skin condition occurs with symptoms like fever, throbbing pain, dizziness, nausea, breathing difficulty, or any signs of infection.



Dealing with different skin lesions can be challenging and stressful. However, proper care, diagnosis, and treatment can help you recover quickly.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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