9 Science Based Strategies For Better Sleep


Sleep is regarded as therapeutic to a tired body after a day’s work. Everyone who’s had a rough and busy day will long to have a rest and to relax and forget things for a while. Others might lack to get the restful night they’re craving due to certain factors which could either be self-generated like stress or voluntary responses by the body.


Science Based Strategies For Better Sleep


Building A Better Sleep Routine

The body’s voluntary responses are initiated by an individual’s behavior that’s become habitual, leaving the body to malfunction. However, your sleeping patterns can be improved in various ways, and technology could be a handy guide. Installing sleep tracking applications like Rise Science on your mobile phones and using other online platforms could help assess why you’re having trouble sleeping.

Also, building these strategies can bring forth better sleep:

1. Sticking To The Sleep Schedule

It’s important to have a consistent sleeping schedule and time, so your body would be able to adjust accordingly. During the night, your body releases melatonin to assist in falling asleep, so you should have a fixed number of hours on a regular basis. Normally, at least seven to eight hours is ideal for most people.


Sticking to a schedule is highly recommended, so your hormones can function well in protecting your body. Try noting what time you usually go to bed, and be consistent with it. Adjust gradually if you think you’re sleeping late. Also, make sure to wake up at a consistent time as well.

Science Based Strategies For Better Sleep

2. Control Naps During The Day

Research indicates nap as beneficial during the day because it helps the body relax and improve its cognitive function while giving you an added energy to finish your tasks. A half-hour nap in the afternoon isn’t bad, but exceeding can impair your sleep in the evening. Making naps a bit shorter and having them earlier in the day is good.

Having naps relieve you from fatigue, but make sure to control it to prevent sleep disruptions in the night. Try to nap in earlier parts of the afternoon, so your evening rest won’t be compromised.

3. Eat Light Meals Before Going To Bed

Experts advise eating light meals early before bedtime, so the food would be digested prior to sleeping. Too much food, as well as those with strong flavors, can cause hyperacidity and discomfort during the night. It’s recommended to give at least 2 hours for digestion to ensure your digestive system won’t discomfort you; also, doing so would prevent bloating.


Diets rich in carbohydrates should be taken in small quantities as this can accelerate heartburn and increase chances of contracting diabetes as well as obesity. Always make sure your stomach isn’t full before sleeping because it can cause complications. Allocate enough time for the body to disintegrate what you’ve eaten.

4. Freshen Up Before Retiring To Bed

A hot shower in the evening helps a lot to calm your nerves before sleeping. Even though some people aren’t fond of this, it’s one of the easiest techniques to fall asleep easily and deeply. Research indicates it improves the overall quality of sleep,especially with older people. At the same time, having a relaxing bath would make your body comfortable before lying in bed.

If you’re afraid you might catch some colds, try bathing your feet with warm water as it would help your body cool down as well.

5. Engage In Exercise During The Day

Having exercise regularly improves one’s health and sleep because it utilizes your energy before resting in the evening. Study shows those who exercise regularly have a higher chance of falling into deep sleep more than those who have a sedentary lifestyle.

In advanced insomnia cases, body workouts are recommended to aid in sleeping. Moderate workouts are ideal as too much physical activity can impair sleep as well. Taking walks, skipping ropes, pedaling, or jogging on a treadmill significantly improves sleep as these exercises strengthen the heart.


6. Avoid Caffeine In The Evening

Caffeine is a drug substance that could impair a person’s sleep, and it’s mostly found in teas and coffees. This substance can be addictive the user can’t function well without it. It’ll be to your advantage if you control your caffeine intake and limit it only during the day because taking it during the night could prevent you from having a deep sleep or make you awake for the whole night.

Should you want to drink in the evening, opt for a decaffeinated beverage.

7. Have A Restful Surrounding

Your bedroom should be comfortable enough and a place that can easily call you to sleep. Minimize bright lighting and noise. Alarms and wall clocks shouldn’t trigger any unnecessary noise because it could make you conscious of how much time is passing. A quiet, well-ventilated, and clean bedroom is enough to bring forth a relaxed night.

8. Avoid Stressful Thoughts At Night

Relaxing your mind significantly improves sleep quality as it makes your body calm and ready to rest. Many insomnia cases have been reportedly managed by evening mind relaxation techniques like reading, taking an evening shower, visualization, and deep breathing. Also, refrain from doing any work in your bed as it could prevent you from falling asleep because of the stress.

9. Limit Liquid Intake Before Going To Sleep

Polyuria is excessive urination regardless of the time while nocturia is excessive urination during the night. Too much intake of liquid during the night will disrupt your sleep because of your body’s urge to empty the bladder. Using the bathroom right before bedtime is recommended to minimize the frequency of waking up for urination.



Sleep plays a major role in your health, and having a quality rest is determined by many factors. Lack of enough sleep and irregular sleeping patterns could be a threat to your health. It’s recommended to have at least seven to eight hours of sleep to have a fully rested body and to minimize illnesses. Prioritizing sleep and incorporating the listed tips would ensure optimal health.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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