6 Important Things You Need To Know About Regenerative Medicine


The discovery of regenerative medicine is among the most important research works of biotechnology. The medicine itself is considered the future of the medical world since this new biotechnology field uses human cells to regenerate tissues, allowing the body to heal pain, injuries, dead tissues and live longer and healthier lives. It includes therapies that ensure the growth of new tissues and healing from injuries by using natural healing cells of the human body. These therapies are termed stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP). To get a brief overview of regenerative medicine, here are six important points.


Regenerative Medicine


1.   Helps Avoid Surgery

Surgery is a very complex procedure that involves many life and health risks. That’s why it’s always better to avoid surgery until a very serious medical condition emerges, especially for people in old age. To counter the situations where surgery remains the only option, regenerative medicine is used. For instance, the medical condition of rotator cuffs can be treated with natural cells.

2.   Natural Recovery

The natural procedures of stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma therapy are very effective methods to treat numerous medical conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc. As a resident in Atlanta, locals will always opt to research with the thought of who is the best stem cell doctor near me who is experienced in Regenerative medicine and explains all the procedures briefly. Since the most important feature of this treatment is that it ensures a natural procedure that involves human cells for healing injuries, you can easily recover with fewer side effects.

3.   Fast Healing

The traditional healing methods are less effective and more time-consuming, especially if we compare them with regenerative medicine therapies. Since they don’t involve natural genes and human cells in their composition, patients can heal faster if they opt for regenerative therapies. That’s why regenerative medicine is known as the future of Biotechnology.


4.   Doesn’t Require Painkillers

Whenever you opt for any medical surgery or other procedure, your doctors and physicians always ensure they use anesthesia and other analgesic injections to numb your pain. However, in the case of regenerative therapy, you don’t have to take any kind of painkillers throughout the procedure. Even if you are taking any before your doctor’s appointment, they will always recommend getting it out of your system first, then start your therapy.

5.   Lower Risks

The most useful feature of regenerative medicine is that it doesn’t involve any major risks. Since the procedure is done with natural human cells, there are lesser risks involved in the treatment. For instance, If we observe stem cell therapy, the cells are taken from the bone marrow or body fat. On the other hand, the composition for PRP therapy involves platelets from your blood to heal your body.

6.   Prevents Nerve Damage

One of the major risks involved in the surgery is the harmful effects it causes to your nerves. However, in regenerative medicine, there is no harmful impact on your nerves since, in stem cell therapy, the treatment is directly administered to the most defective part of your body. This way, you can easily prevent the nearby nerves of your body from getting damaged.

The field of Regenerative Medicine not only allows the human body to heal easily but also increases the longevity of human life by regenerating tissues from the body’s cells. That is why the field of biotechnology is gaining momentum over time and is also predicted to be the future of medicine because it reduces the need for artificial medicine and increases the smooth functioning of your body.


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