How to Sleep with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?


How to Sleep with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy – For a woman always Carrying an extra load all in one place might have a whole host of side effects that you never considered. It will perhaps cause you to move differently; it might throw your muscles and joints out of whack; and, in some women, it will form pain in the pelvis where none existed before.


This is usually called pelvic girdle pain, and there’s no need to white-knuckle through the distress. There’s plenty you can do to comfort your symptoms.  If you want to know more about pelvic girdle pain then read this article carefully.

How to Sleep with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

How to Sleep with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy


What is pelvic girdle pain and what causes pelvic girdle pain?

Pelvic girdle pain is an umbrella term for any kind of pelvic pain—whether it’s a piercing sensation in the symphysis pubis the joint that links the pubic bones at the front, a dull ache at the back of the pelvis, or pressure in the area between the base of the spine and the fold of the buttocks. Many physiotherapists once used terms like symphysis pubis dysfunction and sacroiliac joint dysfunction for this type of discomfort, but now favor the term “pelvic girdle pain” because it includes the whole pelvic region. PGP can occur during pregnancy or start soon after delivery and can be constant or come and go. Pelvic girdle pain is minor to severe pain in the pelvic region and might be felt in a few different areas: the symphysis pubis, the pelvic floor, the groin, the internal thigh, the side of the hip, the lower part of the back, or the buttocks. “It’s typically a pretty sharp pain,” notes Andrew-Wasylik, and every so often happens during single-leg weight-bearing movements like standing on one leg to put on pants. Pregnant women with PGP might also feel the pain getting out of bed, or just sitting or standing for long periods.  

During pregnancy, women’s bodies issue a hormone called relaxin, which helps the ligaments to loosen and the joints to enlarge so the baby can grow. This change in the body can donate to “muscle imbalances as the body tries to come up with a way to hold the pelvis together,” says a physiotherapist at BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre. But relaxin is one just aspect among many, including pre-existing imbalances and injuries. The muscles in your legs or back might tighten and pull on the pelvis while other muscles might weaken. 


What can help you relieve your pain in pregnancy?

Here are two important tips that can help you relieve your pain in pregnancy:

  1. Sit with WIDE legs

Sitting is a significant task because so many of us do it so every so often.  Whether it’s working at a desk or resting and relaxing with a movie or a book we sit for much of our day.  Even if you try working out every day or exercising regularly, your habitual patterns and movements could meaningfully be influencing how you feel in your body – even more so than the profits you are reaping from your physical activity.  As a result, making small changes to how can you sit could add up in a big way to help relieve your pain. 

When your knees go wide, your thigh bones come together towards the back and aid compress and give more support to the pelvis. This is significant because as your pregnancy progresses, your pregnancy hormones remain to soften the ligaments that hold the bony pelvis ring together. As this softening occurs, your pelvis joints are becoming more moveable in preparation for birth. This can also result in pain for some people. Using wide knees could help care for these more-mobile joints, and help us to feel more relaxed.

  1. Sleep with your knees apart too – try a yoga bolster or a rolled-up quilt

The wide-legged theme will continue but, consider again which activities and patterns your body devotes the most time in.  If you think of your day as a 24-hour pie chart, sleep takes up a considerable portion of that chart, night after night.  It could be having a big influence on your pregnancy and linked to pelvic girdle pain both in the moment particularly if you can’t find a relaxed position to sleep in, but possibly also the next day. 

Just like for sitting, you can apply the same biomechanical idea about keeping your knees apart while sleeping. During pregnancy, it’s often suggested people sleep on their left sides, but numerous people like to roll somewhat forward to bring their top knee down to rest on the bed in front of their bottom leg.  This knee-down position could rise pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain. To lend the pelvis a bit more support, it might feel better to keep your knee at a similar level as the top of your pelvis.  With the knee supported higher in this way, the thigh bone can’t pull downcast as much on the pelvis bones.  This extra support could feel better both for the SI joints in the back and the pubic bone in the front.


This may help as you will add a little more distance between your knees; if you have a fat cushion, it might even get you up tall enough to match the level of the top of the pelvis. Though, pillows are naturally soft and squishy! Through the course of the night, they could compress. By the end of the night, your knees may not be apart at all anymore and with a pillow, it’s pretty simple to just slip forward into that knee-down position. 

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Now just to summarize instructions for sleeping when you have PGP during pregnancy Try to keep some space between your knees, put the soft pillow between your knees, and try a yoga pad or rolled-up quilt in its place If that doesn’t work, try adjusting how you stack your legs.

We have shared everything about pelvic girdle pain in this article on “How to Sleep with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy” if the info that we shared above helped you in any way then do share it with others. 


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