How to Get a Real Fever in 10 Minutes? [Fake Fever]


How to Get a Real Fever in 10 Minutes – If you want to Fake a fever, it is very easy but why? Well, faking a fever is pretty common for students or children who want to take a day or two off and want to spend time with themselves. It’s just that you want to make your parents believe that you are sickening so that they permit you to take the day off from your school. 


People usually tend to fake a fever because Children and Students fake a fever to get a holiday from school or high school Sometimes, office working people normally tend to fake a fever so that they can get a day’s leave. you also need to do it, to spend alone time with yourself. 

How to Get a Real Fever in 10 Minutes?

How to Get a Real Fever in 10 Minutes


As we all know, there are numerous reasons why you want to fake a fever. However, you can never fake a fever generally, you can always fake the symptoms of a fever so that you can make people believe that you have a fever. If you want to know more about faking a fever then read this article carefully.

What are the symptoms of fever that you can fake?

There are numerous symptoms of a fever that you can fake. The symptoms contain

  • Cold and cough
  • High body temperature
  • Nonstop sneezing
  • Continuous sweating and headache
  • Low energy and running nose

These symptoms are very easy to get once you follow the numerous easy ways mentioned by us in this article. We, at HealthAndHealthier never back the idea of faking a fever, and this is completely based on informational purposes. Therefore, let’s look at the easiest and most simple ways to fake a fever or develop the symptoms of a fever in no time. 

What are the simple ways to learn How to Get a Real Fever in 10 Minutes?

  1. Fake a fever with garlic

This is pretty a common way and the calmest way to fake a fever and raise your body temperature. All you need are garlic cloves. First, Cut the garlic clove in half precipitously or if you are using minced garlic then a spoon is enough.

You need to Place the minced garlic or the garlic cloves under your armpits for 6-7 hours. It works best if you can place the garlic beforehand going to sleep and wish to fake the fever the next morning. If you think 7 hours are way too much for you can also try this for 3 hours.

This rises your body temperature and your thermometer reading shows high body temperature. In this way, you can make your fever with the support of garlic.

  1. Fake a fever with onions 

Yes, you heard it right, onions support you increase the temperature of your body. This process is very simple as all you need is an onion. You need to Cut the onion into slices 2-4 slices are sufficient. Put the onion slices under your armpit and keep them for 5-6 hours. It is finest if you can do this before going to sleep. 

  1. False a fever with the thermometer rubbing technique

This is the simplest one on this list. All you need is a digital thermometer. This is a process that is harmless as it is not related to your body. The reading in the thermometer will be changed which will help you to persuade your parents that you have a fever. 

To do this, you simply need to rub the thermometer endlessly back and forth on your cloth. Then turn on the thermometer and you need to take your temperature. You will find the reading shows your body temperature to be at least above 101 degrees.

This usually happens because the rubbing of the thermometer on the cloth increases the friction and raises the temperature at the tip of the thermometer.

  1. Fake the physique temperature using hot water

This is another safe method to rise the temperature. All you need is burning water and a thermometer. You need to Take a cup and fill it with hot water. Turn the thermometer on and slope the tip of the thermometer into the hot water. Then you need to take your body temperature. This supports you to raise the thermometer almost instantly. This usually happens since you are dipping the thermometer in warm water and altering the reading. 

  1. Resourcefully using blankets will also raise your temperature

You need to Try this method with 2-3 blankets. The extra the number of blankets the better result you get. Be sure not to suffocate yourself. 


Sleep with as several blankets as you can the night before and try not to turn on your fan that night. This will cause strong sweating and raise your body temperature. When you wake up the following morning cover your face with the blanket and exhale. Scrub the blanket on your face which will make your face feel hot. This will help you grow a fever-like feeling. 

  1. Make yourself puke, which acts as a sign of not feeling well

Well, occasionally only raising the temperature of your body will perform as one symptom of fever. If you need to show more than you are sick you can fake vomiting as well.

Go to your bathroom and try to puke by leaving the door of the bathroom open. Here are simple ways by which you can make physically vomit. The forced vomiting will act as proof for your parents that you are sick and instantaneously, they will permit you to take the day off. But make sure not to overdo anything as this end up in the hospital.

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You should never attempt to fake your fever. Developing fever logically means your health is not at all well. Faking this fever gets your parents concerned. Therefore, it is better to persuade your parents that you need a break that day instead of faking a fever. Your parents want you well and will certainly understand your problem.  

We have shared everything about faking a fever in this article on “How to Get a Real Fever in 10 Minutes” if the info that we shared above helped you in any way then do share it with others.

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