How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out?


How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out – We all love eating yogurt, but most of the time it totally misses our mind to return the remaining yogurt to the refrigerator after opening it. And since yogurt could pretty much be a part of any meal or an afternoon snack, chicken marination, post-workout meal, salad dressing, or smoothies – it becomes even more significant to learn how to store it, and how quickly to keep it back. 


Yogurt is a thing that is a certain must-have in many households, particularly for people who are weight and calorie-conscious. The multipurpose, nutrient-rich superfood is a favorite in every household not only because of its health benefits but also because of its taste demand and various flavors. 

How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out?

How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out


If you want to know more about How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out then read this article carefully.

What Does Yogurt Use for and How is it Made?

Yogurt comes under the category of food products and is set by the bacterial fermentation of milk. Yogurt is produced in a semi-solid state and is a generally preferred food item all across the world. Two bacteria, namely Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus, are in charge of the bacterial fermentation of milk into Yogurt. 


Yogurt is formed by heating milk up to a particular temperature, resulting in the denaturation of its proteins. As milk ranges the required temperature, it becomes warm enough for both the bacteria to grow, which results in the thickening of the milk and the creation of Yogurt. You can take a pack of yogurt from the refrigerator to make nice, delightful chicken marination for dinner at night. 

How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out?

As Yogurt is a food product, it is the finest for consumption within a few days of its production because the quality of the Yogurt degrades as time passes. If kept in a refrigerator, Yogurt is good for use for up to an all-out of two weeks. But in the case of fresh Yogurt production, it is recommended to use Yogurt which is not more than seven days old to make a new set. Yogurt generally thickens in 2-3 hours, but it can easily curdle when it is left for a longer period.

The fermentation of milk by the two bacteria results in Lactic acid production, which reasons the milk proteins to curdle, which gives a unique flavor and texture to the Yogurt. Yogurt is completely white, thick, and has a tangy flavor. Yogurt holds several different minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Potassium. Yogurt also holds high percentages of Vitamin B, which helps in fighting against health diseases.

According to, yogurt is not wise to be consumed after it’s been kept out at room temperature for over two hours. This safety measure applies to all other dairy products like milk, cream, buttermilk, and eggnog. Nowadays, this two-hour rule has its conditions too. The yogurt status doesn’t depend on only the time it has been kept out, but the temperature it has been uncovered, too. 

Why Can Yogurt Be Left Out for That Long?

Yogurt has been recognized as an outstanding protein source, with around 6 grams of protein per 100 grams of Yogurt. It is recommended to keep the Yogurt in refrigeration as soon as it is ready, or else the bacteria start growing quickly and result in degrading the Yogurt. When Yogurt is stored at room temperature, the bacteria keep creating more and more Lactic acid, which makes the yogurt sourer. Later it should be consumed within one to two weeks of production.


Producing Yogurt at home is a lot better than purchasing it from the market. It has been found that many manufacturers add sugar or other non-natural sweeteners that are very unhealthy and degrade the quality of Yogurt. Yogurt certainly contains some amounts of Sugar, but it is advised to go for Yogurt products that contain no more than 15 grams of sugar per 100 grams of Yogurt. It has been found that Yogurt also aids in a few Gastrointestinal conditions such as Constipation, Diarrhea, Colon Cancer, and many more. Yogurt can be left out for that lengthy because different people have, unlike tastes. Those who wish Yogurt to be a bit sour can leave it out for a few days after production, while a person who prefers not as much sour Yogurt should keep it refrigerated or consume it just after it is set.

How Should You Store Yogurt?

  1. It should be stored in the fridge below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. When stored properly, its shelf life comes up to nearly a week or two weeks. Storing it longer than that, of course, is going to cause the growth of fungus and mildew. 
  2. Only Take out servings you want to eat only. Don’t take out the whole container.
  3. When you are making your yogurt at home, use sterilized milk and refrigerate it till it reaches the required thickness. 
  4. If you store it in the freezer, it will last for up to 1-2 months.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  • What happens if you eat yogurt that was not refrigerated?

As long as the yogurt doesn’t be seated out for longer than 2 hours and doesn’t show any signs of decay, you can eat unrefrigerated yogurt.

  • How can you tell if yogurt is spoiled?

Here are some of the signs that can help you to Tell If Yogurt Is Corrupt:

  1. There’s An Excess Amount of Water.
  2. There’s A Notable Change in Texture.
  3. There Are Signs of Mold.
  4. The Container Is Bloated.
  5. Avoid Cross-Contamination.

More Food Guides:


Yogurt is not wise to be consumed after it’s been kept out at room temperature for over two hours. This safety measure applies to all other dairy products like milk, cream, buttermilk, and eggnog. 


We have shared everything about How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out in this article if the information helped you in any way do share it with your friends. If you have any issues with this article then do let us know in the comments below.

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