7 Home Treatments To Shorten The Duration Of The Flu


Having flu makes your body feel weak and drained. Since viruses cause colds and flu, antibiotics can’t cure or avoid these. Fluids, rest, and home remedies will all help to alleviate symptoms.


Home Remedies For Flu

Flu and colds go hand in hand in affecting one’s body. Here are the common symptoms:

  • stuffy nose
  • sinus congestion
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • coughing
  • aches and pains in the body

The remedies listed below can help ease the pain, prevent illness, or shorten the duration of the sickness. They’re also quite easy to find through buying in the market or searching online for shops providing natural treatment such as Wizard Health Hub and other reputable sources. Nonetheless, look for these in your home:

Home Treatments To Shorten The Duration Of The Flu


  1. Zinc

According to research, zinc supplementation can assist in shortening the duration of flu and in alleviating symptoms because zinc inhibits the replication of rhinovirus, the virus triggering the common cold.

Zinc is mostly found as a supplement or nasal spray online and in pharmacies. At the same time, people may take zinc as a pill, lozenge, or syrup, but they must always obey the dosage instructions on the label. Excessive zinc consumption can result in nausea and abdominal aches.

  1. Honey

Honey contains antimicrobial properties to combat certain viruses and bacteria. In one study, it’s found to help relieve coughing as a cold symptom in children. However, it shouldn’t be given to children under the age of one year due to the possibility of infant botulism.

Honey is available in supermarkets, grocery shops, and online. Use it to relieve a sore throat or cough by mixing it with hot water. The addition of lemon adds flavor as well as Vitamin C.

  1. Echinacea

Some individuals use the Echinacea plant extracts to help avoid flu and alleviate nasal symptoms. Echinacea can be purchased as a supplement or as a herbal tea.


According to research, elements of the plant can help the immune system since it has antiviral properties. However, research on its efficacy in treating a cold has yielded mixed results, with some research reporting little benefit. But others have discovered some Echinacea products can reduce a person’s chance of getting a cold by 10–20%.

  1. Garlic

The antibacterial and antiviral characteristics of garlic may aid in the treatment of flu. In one trial, people who took a daily garlic supplement for three months had fewer infections than those who received a placebo.

Garlic has long been used as a folk remedy for cases of flu and colds. People can consume raw garlic, cook it into their meals, or take supplements. Unless a person has allergies, it’s normally safe to use.

Fresh garlic can be found in most supermarkets while garlic supplements are available online for those who dislike the taste of the vegetable.

  1. Menthol

Blocked nasal passages and congested airways are typical flu symptoms menthol can help alleviate. Menthol is derived from a variety of mint plants, and it has antibacterial and pain-relieving properties used in several vapor rubs.


Menthol may also be added to boiling water then you inhale the steam. Although a 2013 study discovered menthol vapor helped alleviate coughing, evidence on its efficacy in clearing clogged airways is still restricted.

Another study discovered vapor rubs with menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus significantly improved sleep among kids and adults suffering from cold symptoms.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be effective for preventing or reducing the likelihood of having flu. A correlation has been discovered between supplementation of Vitamin D and a lower prevalence of colds among students, according to research.

People who live in cold areas will also know taking a Vitamin D supplement is beneficial during colder months, especially since their skin might not receive as much sunlight.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for maintaining a healthy immune system. Many people believe it’ll help minimize the occurrence of flu. While there’s no conclusive evidence proving it improves symptoms of a cold, researchers have proposed taking Vitamin C regularly can benefit individuals in various ways.


While further research is needed, it’s been noted the overall safety and the relatively low cost of Vitamin C make it a supplement of choice for many. Citrus fruits are rich in the vitamin while supplements are also available online and in pharmacies.


Colds and flu are common viruses, and they can hit anyone. Don’t let them find you unprepared. Stock up on these must-have home remedies to make sure illness won’t knock you off. In this way, you’d be able to maintain your health at an optimum level.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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