How to Gain Muscle With Diet and Workout


Gaining muscles is the ultimate goal for physique improvement. Here, you’d want to define your physique by adding more muscle mass, improving your body mass, and bulking in all the right places. Furthermore, doing so requires plenty of time, effort, and commitment – a daunting task requiring diet and workouts.


With this, you must correctly understand the best regimen and diet to make the task more manageable. Muscle building doesn’t have to be difficult, as you can easily do so with the help of this guide below:

How to Gain Muscle With Diet and Workout


The Basics of Muscle Building

Your body is constantly building and breaking down amino acids or proteins. This means your body will need more protein to build more than your body breaks down. If the protein synthesis stays the same or decreases, you can’t expect any change in your body other than a decreasing muscle mass.

To solve this problem, you need to learn about the different factors that can impact such – with those being a balance of training and diet. With the correct amount of these two, your body’s hormonal response will ultimately build muscle as there is a healthy cycle of growth hormones, nutrients, and amino acids.


Additionally, you can also pair training and diet with high-protein intakes. Doing so will allow your body to optimize muscle gains as there is a constant stream of proteins. You don’t have to worry about protein consumption as you already have supplements to help you. Effective BCAA Supplements, thus, are vital if you want to gain muscle.

The Cycle of Bulking and Cutting

Bulking and cutting pertain to a strategy that applies the basics of muscle building. Here, you explore the ins and outs of bulking (a period for calorie build-up) and cutting (a period of maintaining muscle mass).

Bulking means you want to gain weight by eating more calories. Here, you can try a clean bulk by eating with a tight and controlled plan or by dirty bulk and eating without a definite plan per se.

On the other hand, the main goal of cutting is to cut down your body fat and instead maintain muscle. Since you’ve already bulked up on the calories, it’s time to remove any unnecessary fats and turn most of these into muscle. Moreover, this cycle is helpful when creating your training and diet routine as it helps you keep track of your progress and goal.


You’d want to observe a calorie intake of 300-500 daily to gain muscles without excess fat. If you think this is too big, you may think otherwise. 300-500 calories is only a baseline for your calories, mostly known as the total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Although calories may depend on your age and body index, 300-500 calories are helpful for your body to create energy.


If you want an accurate reading for your TDEE, you can always compute your age, sex, lean body mass, underlying medical conditions, and physical activity. Once you’ve laid down your baseline calorie, you can quickly establish your goal in calorie intake.

Carb and Fat

Although there is a baseline for calorie intake, you can’t say the same for carbs, as these are more varied. Here, your hormonal functioning and body weight will come into play. Different body weights and types will require different carb intakes.

In a 2019 study, bodybuilders were recommended to consume 0.22-0.68 grams of fat daily. On the other hand, you can compute yours based on the various carbs you consume. Calculate your carbs in whole or processed foods by subtracting these from your fiber consumption.

Nonetheless, carbohydrates provide your body with glucose, which becomes energy to support you as you train. Consuming too little may cause your body to experience fatigue, headaches, or weakness.

Muscle Growth With Workout

Workout is another factor that will significantly help your muscle gain journey. Here, you’ll want a repeated program that will stimulate muscle growth. Repetitions will help your body build more muscle, and it will increase your muscle endurance as well. Furthermore, increasing your reps and ranges allows your body to build more mass increasingly.


Right Exercises

Your exercise will target the specific muscle you want to work on. If you want bulkier biceps, you need compound exercises to tackle such. These could be barbell curls, incline dumbbell curls, and bar cable curls, to name a few. You can try isolation movements such as dumbbell bend presses and bicep curls to build muscle.

You must have compound and isolation exercises if you want full-body muscle gain. Doing so will give you a routine targeting specific muscles and overall muscle strength.

Avoid Overtraining

Overtraining isn’t a good practice. If you do so, you could be straining your muscles, causing you to feel sore and tired the next day. Additionally, since your body will need to regenerate the protein to maintain its mass, overtraining can negatively affect such regeneration. Your body will have difficulty recovering and rebuilding muscle proteins, weakening your muscles.

Final Thoughts

With this guide, you gain a basic understanding of how your body works with building and breaking down protein to create muscle. Moreover, you also learn about the factors that will contribute to such high-protein intake, a diet with bulking and cutting, and the proper workout routine. Thus, plan yours now and watch yourself gain lean muscle!

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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