Significant Facts About Medical Malpractice


Truth be told, humanity is in an era marked as the safest and most convenient in history. This can be witnessed in the seemingly simple aspects of life, like having sustenance, water, and shelter, the most basic essentials of life. Humans have long transcended their ancestral hunter-gatherer form of society and currently dwell in a society where individuals just focus on their financial well-being. Being financially capable enables you to have your survival necessities and survive health dilemmas with utter convenience.


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Medical Malpractice


Every aspect of this system seems to be just fine, with each person trusting that their local doctors are their saviors when needed. However, it is shocking to note that within the medical community and the doctors we trust, the rate of malpractice is very high and can prove to be a nightmare.  In cases like these, having a lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice lawsuits can help you get what you deserve if you’ve been done harm. Often times, the legalities can get complicated, and you want someone on your side who knows what they are doing.

Malpractice by doctors is the third cause of death in the US. This is just one of the first facts that truly portray how much of an ordeal medical malpractice is. Here are some others:


General Facts

  • Claims of malpractice can come in five types
  • Mistakes by the diagnosing doctor – 33% of cases.
  • Faults with the operation itself surgically – 23% of cases.
  • Mistreating with drugs or non-drug approaches – 18% of cases.
  • Miscarriages induced by a medical professional’s mistake – 10% of cases.
  • Anesthesia over or under dosage before the operation – 10% of cases.
  • There are several incidents that Medicare and Medicaid find fully preventable, including but not limited to:
  1. Stranded objects forgot in the body after an operation.
  2. Infections at site of a surgical incision.
  3. Blood type incompatibility in cases of blood donation.
  4. Bedsores in cases of immobile patients.
  5. Infections associated with the hospital’s catheter.
  6. Any injuries acquired while in the facility.
  • Any successful case of medical malpractice must prove three things
  • The lawyer for the defendant must show that there was an infringement of duty protocol, resulting in a lack of medical care and that protocol would have been followed by any other medical professional.
  • An injury, either emotional or physical, caused by the nurse or doctor must be the basis for the case.
  • There must be sufficient evidence that proves the healthcare professional’s malpractice caused the injury.

Some Legal Facts

  • The injured person usually has no initial fee to pay upfront. The law firm will then only receive compensation if the claimant loses.
  • In a malpractice lawsuit, it is the patient that is obliged to show the unwavering truth that the doctor, nurse, or hospital is at fault.
  • Ninety-six percent of all cases of medical misconduct are resolved without ever going to trial.
  • About $38 billion was paid to victims of medical malpractice lawsuits between 1996 and 2010.

In the end, it is true that we might be witnessing an era of unprecedented opportunities for humanity. But these same opportunities can seem to be deadly when your health is on the line. The facts listed above are enough to dishearten anyone from ever going to medical professionals to seek help. However, one should be mindful of the identity of the professional that’s treating them. They should be insured against malpractice and should be able to benefit completely from today’s medical advancements.

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