Development and future of health devices over time


Devices improve health conditions; even if they are still experimental and new, technology increases their power. These devices can be widespread because people would like to prevent or reverse diseases that are likely to cause permanent disability or death. For example, pacemakers may soon be replaced by stem cell implants capable of repairing damaged hearts. But despite the advances in technology, medical care will always require human contact with patients who may lose trust in doctors due to significant mistakes or breaches in patient privacy.


What lies ahead for health devices?

Due to the various changes in the health care system, scientists are developing new technologies to help patients stay healthy. These devices can be used to monitor blood pressure, measure the number of pathogens in the body, signal notifications, or stimulate parts of the brain that can cause or cure diseases. The future of these devices depends on two factors:  their development and how they are used.

  • One of the most promising innovations in health care is electronic health records (EHR), a digital recording of all medical information about a patient. This method will allow for remote storage and access through various computers and phones. EHR can be used to track patients’ medical history, diet and exercise programs, medications, and other health information that will help doctors make diagnoses, develop better cures and provide personalized care for each patient.
  • Another upcoming device that is expected to improve the quality of life is the Altered Visual Feedback (AVF) system. This technology may treat stroke victims who have paralysis on one side of their bodies. The system consists of a camera connected to a pair of goggles. The camera detects the patient’s remaining muscles, sends the information to the goggles, and shows them in front of their “blind” eye. This creates an illusion that makes it seem as if their healthy limbs are moving. People who have used this device have shown significant progress in physical therapy, moving their limbs more easily.

Premia Spine medical devices

This medical device has been designed for minimally invasive spine surgery. These implants are used to stabilize the weight, position, and ability of the spine during recovery. The patients who have used Premia Spine medical devices have reported an improvement in their overall life quality.

Key points about futures for healthcare

There are various benefits of using health devices. These are some of the most important reasons why people may switch to modern treatment:

  1. Preventive health care refers to lifestyle changes that can improve health (e.g., exercising regularly, watching less TV, eating nutritious food).  This is more convenient than taking pills or visiting doctors regularly, and it can prevent diseases before they happen.
  2. People want more control over their bodies, which is possible with self-diagnosis using personal diagnostic devices (with or without help from doctors).  It will allow individuals to participate in their own healthcare decisions and choose what they want to do regarding potential illnesses.
  3.  People will also want more control over their data, which can be maintained digitally, eliminating the confusion of paper records.
  4. Patients may lose trust in health care institutions because of “data breaches.”  This is when doctors or hospitals accidentally or purposefully release private health information to unauthorized persons.  Electronic medical records (EMR) and other technology-based systems will make people’s healthcare information more up-to-date and secure (this is partly why people switch to EMRs).
  5.  If people do not like the care they receive at any hospital or clinic, they can contact direct service providers (e.g., private clinics) for better service.
  6.  People may also get cautious when seeking medical care because of the various problems during treatment (e.g., implant failures).
  7. People may be interested in alternative treatments, such as homeopathic medicine and herbal remedies because these can be very effective in treating common illnesses and diseases.  For example, homeopathy treats many different infections and conditions with a derivative of natural substances (e.g., water).
  8. People may also want to use alternative health care methods, such as acupuncture and yoga, to benefit patients’ health while waiting for conventional medical care.
  9. Telemedicine will make direct access to medical practitioners more available (e.g., smartphone).  People could see a doctor from the comfort of their own home or go to a hospital or other medical care program in another part of the world.
  10. People may want to avoid drugs and other treatments with adverse side effects, mainly to prevent disease.

Technical factors

The healthcare system will continue to adapt to changes in medical knowledge and technologies, affecting the future of healthcare.  To help people stay healthy, there are many innovations available today, such as telemedicine and personal diagnostic devices that can monitor a person’s health.  These devices are also available to people who are interested in self-diagnosis.


People’s technological needs will also change with new technologies such as nanotechnology and stem cell therapy.  Nanotechnology can produce new materials and devices with unique features not found in traditional materials (e.g., longer-lasting batteries).  Stem cell therapy, which relies on stem cells to create new cells, can replace body parts destroyed by disease or injury (e.g., heart muscles).

Safety and regulation

People’s trust in the healthcare system will continue to be one of the most critical factors affecting their future usage of modern treatments.  This is partly because healthcare services can affect people’s lives and their overall well-being.

Various factors may affect people’s perception of security and safety, such as:

  1. Quality control may become an issue if doctors do not follow specific guidelines (e.g., proper storage and disposal of infectious materials).  This can produce harmful effects on patients and may influence their decision whether to seek medical care or not.
  2. People will also want to know that they receive genuine products, such as drugs and medical devices (e.g., anesthesia).
  3. Information will also be a concern for many patients because they may not know how to share it with or maintain personal control over their data.  For these reasons, people will want strong regulation and security measures to protect their health information.


People will be faced with many challenges in the future of healthcare.  One of these challenges will be preserving and enhancing patients’ trust in the healthcare system, which has been dramatically damaged in recent years.  There will also be a lot of pressure to keep up with medical technologies, especially when it comes to regenerative medicine and nanotechnology.

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