Do Fertility Supplements Work? All About DHEA


If you are struggling to conceive, know that you are not alone. About 10% of women in the United States struggle with fertility. If you are one these women there are about 6 million others going through the same heartache that you currently feel. Most women are now waiting to have children, until an average age of 35, which only increases the likelihood of dealing with infertility. Luckily, there are treatment options out there that can help you conceive with ease, even if you waited until a little later in life to start trying. Talk with your doctor about adding a DHEA supplement to your daily routine. Dhea benefits for women include an increased likelihood to conceive for those struggling with fertility and preparing to undergo fertility treatments.


All About DHEA


What is DHEA?

DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the adrenal glands. DHEA is then converted into both estrogen and testosterone by our bodies. While one may think of testosterone as the male sex hormone it actually plays a very important role in female reproductive health. For one, testosterone is the hormone responsible for controlling a persons sex drive. If a woman has low levels of DHEA and therefore testosterone she will have a lower libido. More importantly, for conception, DHEA works with the androgen on the cellular level to nurture and support growing eggs.

As we get older our bodies produce less and less DHEA. This lessening of DHEA may impact women 35 and older who are currently trying to conceive. While low levels of DHEA are probably not the root cause of infertility it could be a contributing factor. With low levels of DHEA and therefore testosterone the ovaries may not be able to adequately support the maturation of eggs in the period before ovulation.

When Will A Supplement Help?

Commonly those with low levels of DHEA are also suffering from a lower egg count. If we consider that DHEA decreases with age it becomes clear that this is also the time in a woman’s life where she may be experiencing a lower egg count. For women who are currently undergoing IVF, or in vitro fertilization, treatments adding a DHEA supplement to a daily routine could increase their ability to conceive. In a controlled study of 190 women undergoing IVF treatments those who were taking DHEA were about 28% more likely to get pregnant than those who were not taking a DHEA supplement. This study was able to prove that by adding in DHEA they were able,not only,  to improve egg and embryo numbers; but, to also improve the quality of eggs and embryos. This meant there were more viable options to be used in the IVF treatments.


If you are currently preparing to  undergo IVF it may be worth discussing with your doctor if adding a DHEA supplement is right for you. It could help you achieve your miracle that much faster.

Can I Supplement if I’m Not Undergoing IVF Treatments?

Before starting any new supplement it is best to consult your doctor and see if DHEA is right for you. There are blood tests you can do with your doctor. These should be done one week before your menstrual cycle for the most accurate results. Together, with your doctor, you can determine your fertility status and if supplementing with DHEA may be right for you. Since many women are choosing to conceive later in life it is definitely a question worth asking your doctor once you and your partner make the decision to start trying. Having the knowledge of your womb health will help you make the right decisions for every step of the journey.

The goal of a DHEA supplement is to bring ovarian health back to a woman’s prime. However, DHEA has been proven to increase the likelihood of conception in IVF treatments. If you and your doctor determine you have a low egg count and low levels of DHEA it is likely you will begin an IVF treatment. Due to possible side effects it is not advised to take DHEA supplements without consulting your doctor or creating an IVF plan.

My Doctor and I Decided to Add DHEA Supplements What Now?

If you’ve decided to use DHEA supplements on your fertility journey there are many options out there. Fertinatal DHEA was used in the trials mentioned above. Look for a supplement the supplement you choose is micronized to the same particle size as DHEA in the clinical trials, Fertinatal is an example of this. Also look for: quality, plant based ingredients; lab testing; patents; and clinical trials on both men and women. You want to make sure the DHEA supplement you choose will best support you on your journey towards reproductive health and conception.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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