7 Handy Tips To Help Keep Your Eyes Healthy


Good vision is important at all ages. However, as you get older, there are several more aspects to consider to ensure they stay in good health. It’s natural for vision to deteriorate with age, but it doesn’t have to disrupt your daily lifestyle if you keep on top of your lifestyle and diet habits.


Check out some small things you can do to make a significant impact on your overall health.

1. Get rest and sleep well

Your body gets tired and so do your eyes, especially if you’ve been staring at a screen solidly for hours. Getting rest and a good night’s sleep will help your vision and help reduce issues such as sore, dry and itchy eyes.

2. Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your eyes

While it might seem obvious, washing your hands not only keeps them clean but also avoids any grit or dirt entering your eyes. If you’re a contact lens wearer, this is extremely important. If bacteria gets into your eyes, it can cause infections such as conjunctivitis. It might surprise you that rubbing your eyes is a common way to catch a cold, as you have germs on your hands, and they enter directly into this area.

3. Protect your eyes from UV rays

Wearing sunglasses is the best way to protect your eyes from harmful UV-A and UV-B rays. While they’re the perfect accessories in summer, it’s also a great idea to consider wearing them all year round, especially in bright conditions.


4. Visit an eye doctor every year

Frequent visits to the eye doctor are the best way to ensure your vision and eye health are in the best condition. This check-up will identify additional needs such as wearing glasses or may highlight potential eye conditions such as cataracts. If you develop issues, your eye doctor can also advise on suitable treatments, including cataract lens implant and medications.

5. Take a break from the computer

A lot of eye issues occur in modern lifestyles due to the time spent on computers or staring at screens. While it may not be possible to avoid them completely, it’s best to take regular breaks to prevent eye strain. It is recommended to blink frequently and focus on something further away every 20 minutes to avoid blurring and sore eyes.

6. Eat well and exercise often

Eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise is essential for overall health but also for your eye health. Choose foods that are rich in nutrients and that your eyes need for improved function, such as Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and C. Avoid alcohol and saturated fats to reduce macular degeneration. Exercise is also vital for improving oxygen levels in your eyes. Plus, it also aids in the removal of toxins.

7. Quit smoking

Smoking is suggested to increase your chances of health issues, including eye conditions. It is also said to increase oxidative stress in your eyes, which can cause other problems and macular degeneration.

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