What Happens to Your Body When You Get Hit in the Head?


It’s a scenario that plays out in movies and on the playground all too often – someone gets hit in the head, and suddenly they’re out cold. What happens to the body when someone takes a blow to the head? How does the brain react, and what are the long-term consequences of a traumatic head injury? Read on to find out.



What are the Symptoms of a Head Injury?

The symptoms of a head injury can vary depending on the degree of trauma. Milder injuries may lead to slight dizziness and confusion, while more severe blows can result in loss of consciousness, seizures, and even coma.

Other common symptoms of a concussion or other head injury include:

  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Loss of balance or coordination
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Blurred vision
  • Memory problems

Post-concussion syndrome can cause physical and cognitive symptoms if left untreated. Hence, early and proper neurological evaluation is a must. Physical and cognitive therapies can help the brain return to optimal functioning. The best approach involves the collaboration of a clinical neuropsychologist, a neuroradiologist, a clinical psychologist, occupational therapists, and other healthcare professionals.


What Happens to the Brain During a Head Injury?

When someone gets hit in the head, the brain can move within the skull and strike against its inner walls. This can cause swelling and bruising of the brain and bleeding in some cases. Depending on the severity of the injury, this can lead to a wide range of neurological complications ranging from mild headaches to long-term disability or even death.

What are the Long Term Consequences?

The potential long-term consequences of a head injury can be severe and life-altering. Brain damage, memory loss, learning disabilities, personality changes, seizures, vision problems, and even coma are all possible outcomes of a traumatic head injury.

It’s essential to understand the risks associated with getting hit in the head and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from injury. Wearing a suitable helmet during sports or activities with a risk of head trauma and avoiding practices that could lead to blows to the head can help decrease the chances of experiencing a severe head injury.

It’s also important to seek medical attention immediately if you or someone else experiences any of the previously mentioned symptoms following a blow to the head. A medical professional can diagnose and treat a head injury and provide advice on how to protect yourself from further harm. When it comes to the traumatic brain injury treatment cost, the amount can vary depending on the severity and scope of treatment required. Consider gathering information online on brain injury rehabilitation. A good website will make it clear on the rehabilitation process and the cost associated with it.

What is the Brain Injury Diagnosis?

When diagnosing a head injury, there are several tests that medical professionals might use. These can include physical examinations and brain scans such as CT, or MRI scans to identify brain structure abnormalities.


While both CT and MRI scans are essential tools for identifying brain structure abnormalities, MRI is often preferred for cases requiring detailed evaluation of the brain’s soft tissues and subtle abnormalities. CT scans are quicker and more readily available, making them suitable for emergencies and initial assessments, especially when a rapid diagnosis is required. The choice between CT and MRI depends on the clinical situation and the specific information needed to diagnose and plan treatment for brain-related conditions.

Sometimes, doctors may also request blood tests or other laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. After all these tests, the doctor will advise on treating and managing the injury accordingly.

Besides, there are support services that provide advice and assistance to those who have suffered a head injury. These services can offer counsel and other therapies and help with recovery and rehabilitation.

How Can You Prevent Head Injuries from Happening?

The best way to prevent head injuries is to take proper safety precautions. Always wear a helmet when participating in sports or activities that have the potential for head trauma, such as biking, skateboarding, skiing, and rock climbing. Avoid physical contact sports like football and boxing, which increase the risk of serious injury.

Additionally, practice good habits to minimize your risk of falling or experiencing a blow to the head. Be sure to use caution when climbing stairs, avoid climbing onto high surfaces, and never attempt risky stunts or activities that could result in head trauma.


Preventing head injuries in sports is essential for athlete safety. Education about concussion symptoms and the importance of immediate reporting and medical attention are crucial. Consider implementing pre-season baseline testing and emphasize the significance of proper technique and fundamental skills to minimize the risk of head injuries.

Additionally, strength and conditioning programs can enhance balance, coordination, and neck strength, reducing head and neck injury risk. Safe playing environments with well-maintained surfaces and equipment, along with sideline medical support, should be prioritized. Ensuring athletes receive adequate rest and recovery before returning to play is essential.

What Should You Do If Someone Experiences a Head Injury?

Body When You Get Hit in the Head

If you witness someone suffering a head injury, the first thing to do is call for medical help. Until professional assistance arrives, try and keep the person still and calm. If they are conscious, gently encourage them to remain in one position until help arrives.

If they appear unconscious or unresponsive, it’s important not to move them as this can cause further damage. Check for breathing and a pulse; if neither is present, call 911 immediately and begin CPR if you know how.


Remember to seek legal help if someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused the head injury. Consulting a personal injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and how to pursue necessary compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages incurred due to the injury. Competent attorneys can also advise on possible insurance claims and related matters.

Severe head injuries can be life-threatening, so it’s essential to act quickly to ensure the safety of those affected. By following these simple steps and taking preventive measures, you can help reduce the risk of experiencing a head injury.

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