8 Things That Can Interfere With Sleep


Sleep has become a precious commodity that eludes many people no matter how tired their bodies can be at nighttime. You can lose hours of valuable sleep to tossing and turning as random thoughts race through your head.


Did you know sleep is essential to a person’s health and well-being? A good night’s sleep is vital to face the next day with renewed vigor. However, several factors can interfere with your sleep. Knowing them can help you get the quality naptime you need.

Things That Can Interfere With Sleep


Below are some factors that can interfere with your sleep:

1. Mattress

The mattress you sleep on can significantly impact the quality of your sleep. A bed that’s too firm may cause pressure points, leading to discomfort and restless sleep. On the other hand, it may not give enough support for proper spinal alignment if it’s too soft.


The ideal mattress should offer a balance of comfort and support, promoting a healthy sleep posture and relaxing your body. The type of mattress material can also influence your sleep. The level of comfort and support it provides plays an essential role.

Memory foam mattresses provide excellent support and relieve pressure points. Meanwhile, innerspring mattresses offer more bounce and airflow. Finding the right one when you’re buying a mattress online is essential. It should suit your preferences and promote restful sleep.

2. Worry And Stress

An active mind filled with worries and negative thoughts can make it challenging to fall asleep and maintain a deep, restful slumber. Some people practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce their anxiety and stress. You can try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or journaling to alleviate stress and calm your mind before bed.

3. Poor Sleep Environment

A sleep-conducive environment is essential for quality sleep. To optimize your sleep environment, here are some suggestions:

  • Choose a comfortable bedding
  • Change sheets every week
  • Use black-out curtains to keep the room dark
  • Maintain a consistent room temperature
  • Use earplugs to block out unnecessary noise
  • Use essential oils like lavender to create a lovely calming ambiance

Your sleep environment plays a massive part in your sleep quality.


4. Electronic Devices

It’s best to avoid using digital devices close to bedtime. Also, keep them away from your bed to lessen the temptation. The blue light from digital devices disrupts your body’s circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is the internal body clock that tells you when to sleep.

The blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, which is your body’s sleep hormone. You can follow a curfew for your online activities at least an hour before bedtime.

5. Naps

Taking naps will give you that needed energy boost during the day. It’s okay to take naps but keep them short and not too close to bedtime. Taking too many naps during the day can make sleeping hard at night. Also, limiting your naps to 20 minutes in the afternoon is best.

6. Exercise

Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality but getting your cardio workout too close to bedtime isn’t advisable. It’s best to engage in moderate-intensity activities, like brisk walking or swimming, for at least 30 minutes daily to impact your sleep positively.

7. Coffee And Alcohol Consumption

Many people swear that alcohol makes them sleepy. While it may be true, they don’t realize it’s also the primary culprit in their abnormal sleep patterns. Sure, they fall asleep fast. However, they may have trouble staying asleep and wake up frequently at night.


Similarly, the substances in coffee and cigarettes can increase alertness and delay sleep. If you can’t help avoiding them, prevent taking one late in the afternoon or early evening.

8. Sleep Disorders

Many sleep disorders prevent many people from getting that much-needed restful sleep. Here are some of them:

  • Sleep Apnea: A sleep disorder characterized by loud, chronic snoring, episodes of gasping or choking, excessive daytime sleepiness, and morning headaches, among the few symptoms.
  • Insomnia: A sleep disorder wherein an individual cannot obtain sufficient sleep, even when there’s an opportunity.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS): It’s a neurological disorder characterized by the irresistible urge to move the legs. It’s an illness that significantly disrupts sleep.
  • Narcolepsy: Another neurological disorder wherein an individual suffers from excessive daytime sleepiness and falls asleep unexpectedly regardless of the circumstances.

Addressing sleep disorders by visiting a specialist to help improve sleep quality is essential. Therapy and medication may help ease some of the symptoms.

Final Thoughts

Sleep is fundamental for an individual’s physical and mental well-being. When you address the factors interfering with your sleep, you can reclaim control over your nights. A good night’s sleep can invigorate you every morning. Remember to prioritize sleep and invest in this critical aspect of your health.



Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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