How to Get Paid to Take Care of a Family Member with Disability


Humans are to some extent products of nurture; that is to say that to some extent, especially as an infant, it was the duty of someone (usually the parents) to take care of us. Even as adults, we receive some form of care or the other, be it emotional care from family member or from people other than loved ones who feel or actually have or owe a duty of care over us.


However, there are some amongst us, who by virtue of one challenge or the other require more help and attention than the average person. The reason for this level of neediness and dependence on others by an individual usually is because of a disability.

This can be challenging for loved ones who now have to devote their time to taking care of such persons as other personal activities especially money yielding activities can be greatly affected. The question now is, is there a way for such ones to earn and not lose out totally financially while devoting their time to taking care of disabled family members? The answer to this question is yes.

Family Member


Programs That Pay Those Who Take Care Of Disabled Family Members

The first thing to note is that there are programs that pay those who take care of family members with disabilities. However, it is important to understand why these programs are available, what these programs are, how these programs work, and what it takes to be part of the available arrangements.


Why Are These Programs Available?

Having a disabled member of the family is always a big challenge in any family and most of the time, a lot of time and funds are devoted to taking care of such individuals. This usually ends up draining the family emotionally but most crucially, financially and finances have a huge role to play in these situations.

Sadly, many families do not have the financial muscle to competently shoulder these burdens. In many cases, someone has to quit a job or lose a source of income in order to adequately give attention to the health challenged person. Families have been known to go bankrupt as a result of situations like this. In order to curtail the adverse effects of these challenges on individuals, these programs where started.

What Are These Programs

These programs are arrangements set up either by the government, individuals or by organizations to help individuals who are facing challenges of this type. Each of these programs has its own set up and modalities. You can find out more about it here. Interested persons now have to check whether they are eligible for any of these programs and if they are, how they can benefit from it.

How Do These Programs Work?

Family Member

Having noted that there are various programs with the same aim of helping out care givers, it is important to now point out these programs and how they work. The programs currently available and running are:


Medicaid Funded Programs

This is a public insurance program that has as its aim the provision of health coverage to low income families. It is all inclusive, that is, it encompasses the care of both children, pregnant women, adults, seniors, parents, and people with disabilities. The program gets its funding from both the federal governments and the states.

Particular to the issue of getting paid for taking care of a disabled relative is the CDPAP program. It stands for Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program and it gives care recipients the freedom to hire anyone to be a caregiver to them.

There is also the CDPAS which stands for Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services. It is a bit different from the CDPAP in that it determines the kind of services you need but, generally, they are the same thing.

Care Giver Contracts

As can be deduced from its name, it is simply a contract for personal care entered into by an individual (though mostly between or by a family member) ready to commit and become the caregiver for a family member with a disability. It can also be referred to as Personal Care Agreement. This is usually embarked upon by families or individuals who can afford it. it also allows the caregiver to earn some financial reward for the services rendered.

Veterans Benefits

This refers to an arrangement by the government to take care of veterans who have suffered some disabling injury in the course of service to the country. These people are classified as veterans and there is a program for them known as the VD-HCBS or veteran directed Home Community Based Services.


In this particular program, once you qualify for the benefits, you are allowed to choose whomever you want to look after you. This program is also an alternative against being chosen and sent to the VA for treatment.

Long Term Care Insurance

This is an insurance policy bought previously in anticipation of certain health challenges. It is of various types depending on what the purchaser of the insurance policy wants. However, there is one that allows for home care which if it was purchased by the person currently in need of attention, you as the appointed care giver get to be paid for your services as it is already covered in the insurance.

Indirect Payments Through Tax Credits

This is a legal arrangement known as the IRS Credit For Caring Act. It is an arrangement that offers a caregiving member of a family the opening or opportunity to collect or gain tax credits equal to thirty percent of the expenses that have been made for a loved one. Thus, while this is not really a payment, it is an opening that gives the individual some financial lee way.


For most of these provisions listed above, you will have to check whether you qualify into any of the categories that they make payments for to enjoy the benefits that come from these arrangements. Remember, times are hard and undertaking this responsibility is also quite tasking so you have to do what you can to know your stand.

Again, you might not be directly affected by a situation like this but might have a friend who might benefit from these programs. Do well to inform such a person(s); they all need the help they can get in these trying times.


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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