Colorado Addiction Rehab Center


Rehabilitation might not be a hot button topic in the medical world, but I think it should be.  Honestly, I think we need to shine more light on it in general.  It is often a medically necessary part of recovery from addiction and substance misuse disorders.  It should be destigmatized.


It is unfortunate that so many people who seek this treatment are judged for it.  Addiction is in fact a disease.  It is categorized as such.  We should not scorn people who are suffering from it but extend lend an uplifting hand.

Sometimes all we need is a bit of kindness or compassion.  Addiction is no exception. The options for recovery are vast and should be explored, and we should all keep an open mind about it!

Colorado Addiction Rehab Center


Myths About Rehab

Due to the sensitive nature of these recovery centers, there are plenty of myths and rumors about them that a lot of us might believe.  I’m here to disprove them for you and unpack why we might think these things anyway.


1. Rehab is Only for Heroin

This is a very common misconception.  If you’re unfamiliar with the rehabilitation process, consider reading more about it at this link:  I promise you; this is not true.

In fact, there are a wide variety of rehab options.  You can recover from a physical ailment caused by an accident for one thing, but when talking about addictions, it can be for almost any substance out there.  This does include heroin but can be any other drug or even alcohol.

2. It is Way Too Expensive to be Worth it

I know that for a long time, I thought that recovery from addiction in a center was incredibly expensive.  However, the only type that might fall under this umbrella is a luxury center.  Most available options are quite affordable, in fact.

In a state like Colorado there are a lot of options out there.  Be sure to check with wherever you are considering to determine if they accept your insurance.  This will be a big part of reducing the overall cost.

The final thing I would like to mention here is that even if rehabilitation services cost a lot, it will be worth it in the long run.  This is because addiction itself costs a lot more, both monetarily and in a lot of other ways.  In the worst case scenario, it can actually cost a person’s life.


3. It is like a Jail Cell

A lot of people have this misconception, but it really is not the case.  If you find a place such as Mountain Springs Recovery it will not be like a jail cell.  Very rarely would any center operate like that.

What is important to remember is that these services are not intended to be a punishment.  In fact, it shows a lot of strength that should be admired to start a recovery journey.  What these places focus on is aiding people to overcome an addiction rather than punish them for it.

4. Mental Health isn’t Treated

While a lot of us know some of the physical withdrawal symptoms that happen during the process of overcoming a substance misuse disorder, it is the mental health side effects that often go unnoticed or not thought about.  In a rehab center, though, there are professionals that are there to help with this.  This includes therapists and counselors but also psychologists and psychiatrists.

These professionals can help provide coping strategies for post-rehabilitation center life.  This can include for concurrent mental illnesses such as depression.  It can be easy to forget that sometimes these pre-existing afflictions influence addiction and can be one of the root causes of it.

5. It’s Not a Long-Term Fix

The final myth I will discuss today is this one.  For some reason, there is this idea out there that many people have – they think that these recovery services are not a long-term solution to addiction.  This is absolutely not the case.


One of the pillars of these centers is to prepare patients for the outside world.  You can read about how recovery works in the long run here:  Obviously, this process is different for each of us, but there are some commonalities.

What is important is that you continue with outpatient treatment once you finish the inpatient option.  That being said, that doesn’t mean that it is not a long-lasting solution.  It just means that sobriety is a journey that takes many years and is never truly complete.

What to Look For

If you think you might be suffering from a substance misuse disorder, there a few symptoms you may want to watch for.  There are also a few sorts of “litmus tests” that you can perform on yourself that can help clue you in.  It can be hard to recognize that we have a problem.

What I recommend is try to set a limit for yourself, particularly for alcohol.  Decide that you will only have one or two drinks when you go out or that you won’t take more than one dose of a drug in a week (or a day).  If you find that you are breaking this limit often, it might be time to think about seeking help.


There are a few other signs, though.  Lying often to family and friends about your whereabouts because you are trying to hide substance use is one of them.  Stealing to get the funds to buy those substances is another.

If you are often fatigued and feeling down, or losing or gaining weight in an unusual pattern, that could be a signal.  Just sit yourself down and consider your circumstances.  If most of your time is spent obtaining, using, or thinking about a drug…well, that’s a sure sign that you’ve developed a substance misuse disorder.

Hopefully, this article will help destigmatize these issues.  More people should learn about it so we can lessen the shame surrounding it.  If you are struggling, there is nothing wrong with getting assistance!

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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