Bicycle Accidents Happen All The Time: Here’s How To Prevent Them


Bicycle accidents happen all the time. In fact, according to a recent study, bicyclists are almost twice as likely to be injured in an accident as those who drive cars or motorcycles. That’s not surprising considering that there are more bicycles on the road these days and they’re often sharing space with other vehicles. So what can you do to prevent bicycle accidents? Here, we’ve compiled a list of bike safety tips for both adults and children so you’ll know how to avoid injury. Check on the list below.


Bicycle Accidents Happen All The Time


Ride the Right Bicycle Size

First, make sure you’re riding the right bicycle size. If your bike is too big or too small for you, it will be difficult to control and lead to a bike accident. When buying a new bike, always follow the manufacturer’s sizing recommendations when determining which frame size to select. These recommendations should take into consideration not just height but also your reach. If you’re too far away from the handlebars, it may not be easy to control your bicycle and stay balanced while riding.

When in doubt about which size bike is best for you, consult with a professional at your local bike shop or department store who can measure you up against their stock of bikes to find one that fits you best.

Obey Traffic Rules

The second tip is to obey traffic rules. Not following traffic rules is among the major causes of bicycle accidents on most roads. You should always be aware of your surroundings and ride defensively, which means being prepared for other motorists on the street who may not have been paying attention or trying to get around you at high speeds. Always stop at red lights and stop signs, signal when you’re turning or changing lanes, avoid riding in the blind spots of cars, and never ride against traffic.


Always be sure to use your bicycle bell when you need to alert others that you’re on the road so they can give you enough space and time to avoid a potential accident. Be mindful that bicyclists are allowed in the center lane of some streets with more than one lane going in either direction.

Ensure Your Bike Is in Good Condition

The third tip is to ensure that your bike is in good condition. You should always check the brakes, seat, and handlebars before taking off on a ride – even if it’s just down the street. If you can’t get comfortable when riding or are having difficulty controlling your bicycle, stop immediately and figure out what could be wrong with it so you can avoid an accident.

While it’s recommended that you do all the necessary maintenance on your bicycle, keep in mind that if there is a problem with its brakes or any other part of your bike and you’re involved in an accident while riding it, you may be held liable for damages – even if they weren’t caused by negligence on your part.

Wear the Right Riding Gear

Always wear the right riding gear. This includes a properly fitted helmet that you should always use when bicycling, in addition to other protective gear like elbow pads and knee pads. You may even want to invest in an anti-shock cycling jacket or pants if you’re going on longer rides where there will be a greater risk of being seriously injured due to falls or collisions with other objects.

If you’re an adult cyclist who is involved in a bicycle accident and it’s determined that you did not correctly fit your helmet, there’s a chance the manufacturer could be held liable for damages if they failed to issue proper warnings about this requirement. You may also want to consider taking out additional insurance coverage on your bike and bicycle accessories.


Do Not Ride Too Fast

Bicycle Accidents Happen All The Time

Lastly, do not ride too fast. Going faster than you’re capable of in your riding conditions can lead to an accident and result in serious injuries that could even be life-threatening if the proper medical assistance is not available when needed. If possible, slow down or avoid busy streets until you get used to bicycling again after recovering from previous accidents.

Riding too fast can also lead to a fine if you’re caught speeding, so all riders must pay attention to the speed limits on their favorite biking routes. If there are no posted maximum speeds for certain roads or trails, use caution and common sense when determining how fast is too fast in those areas.

Suppose you’re involved in a bicycle accidents. In that case, it’s essential always to do what you can to shield yourself as much as possible from the financial repercussions of such an incident and its aftermath by having adequate health insurance coverage that will provide sufficient benefits for all your medical expenses related to treatment costs, rehabilitation services or long-term care needs if necessary. You can also contact a personal injury lawyer for additional guidance if you feel like others may have been involved in your accident and could be held liable.

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