An Ultimate Guide to Home First-Aid Supplies for the Whole Family


A first-aid kit is a must-have in a home with kids running around and DIY projects always underway. To be best prepared for first-aid in the home, check out these suggestions for home first-aid supplies.


Home First-Aid Supplies for the Whole Family


Keep Supplies Up-To-Date

If you have had a first-aid kit for a long time, it may be time to check the expiration dates of the supplies you have inside. Antiseptic creams and ointments that are past their expiration should be thrown away and replaced.

Other supplies that may need to be replaced are thermometers, medications, and bandages that have lost their stickiness or elasticity.

Decide Which First-Aid Kit Best Fits Your Family

There are many different kinds of first-aid kits out there, so the best thing you can do is research which type of kit works best in your home.


If you have a designated spot for a first-aid kit in your home, the best kind to get is a first-aid cabinet that you can install on any wall in your home. These usually fit the most products for general first aid, so they are great for bigger families.

If you are a family that travels a lot, a first-aid fanny pack or bag with a strap is an excellent option to keep at home and to take with you on the go.

If you like being extra prepared for any situation, a fully-stocked trauma duffel bag is the right choice.

Make Sure to Have Sterile Supplies In Case of an Emergency

It’s good to have bandages and gauze thrown into a first-aid kit, but it is important to also have sterile gloves, wipes, ointments, and solutions on hand.

When dealing with open wounds, it is so important to use supplies that are clean, especially gloves. Once a pair of gloves is used once, they must go into the trash. Because of this, it is good to have a few pairs in your first-aid kit at all times.


Pick First-Aid Supplies That Correspond With Your Family’s Needs

Every family is different and requires different first-aid supplies. If your family has certain medical problems like diabetes or allergies, make sure to stock up on epi-pens and insulin. Families that spend a lot of time outdoors should also consider bug bite ointment, anti-itch creams, after-sun gel, and bug spray.

Along with this, a card or label with basic instructions for first-aid procedures and important numbers like poison control and the family doctor may come in handy.

Always Have a Variety of Bandages

Everyday cuts and scrapes require all types of bandages, so it is a good idea to keep a variety of sizes and shapes in your first-aid kit. Different bandages also serve different purposes.

For instance, if your child gets a blister, a normal bandage isn’t as effective as a bandage specifically made for blisters. Additionally, only having small bandages when someone falls and scrapes up their knee makes for a messy patch-up job when a large, square bandage could cover the whole wound.

Home First-Aid Supplies


Every family should have at least a basic first-aid kit in their house in case of small emergencies. A complete kit with all of the supplies listed above plus whatever else you feel like you need should set you up well for any bumps or bruises that arise.

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