5 Self-Care Tips for Seniors


No matter what stage you are in life, there’s never a wrong time to give yourself a good, old-fashioned pampering.


Seniors are no exception to this rule; in fact, the importance of self-care becomes all the more magnified as you rack up more years to your name.

With chronic diseases like arthritis and atherosclerosis afflicting seniors left and right, indulging in the best self-care practices becomes all the more necessary to keep these age-related diseases in check.

With that said, here are some fantastic self-care tips designed to help keep you healthy, happy and vibrant.

1) Get Regular Exercise

Laying down in bed and doing nothing or bingeing on your favourite shows is fun and all, but let’s face it, it’s not doing your body’s health any favours.


Instead of spending your days endlessly surfing the internet or lounging around with the TV on, try setting aside some time to partake in regular physical activity.

No one’s expecting you to run a marathon on day one of your wellness journey, so don’t push yourself too hard! Start by taking little steps, then gradually build it up from there.

Need more actionable tips? Go for a gentle brisk walk around the block, do a few body exercises, or try out a low-impact exercise like yoga. Doing at least 150 minutes of moderately-challenging exercises a day will add up to make a big difference.

You’ll have to be consistent though, so be sure to set a schedule and stick to it for as long as you can.

If it’ll motivate you, one of the best things you can do is round up a bunch of friends and participate in exercises together. Whether it’s Zumba classes or a jog, training with pals can be a great way to socialise and get some workout minutes in your day.


2) Immerse Yourself in Nature

Isolating yourself in a room all day long can take a toll on your body and mind. If you’re suffering from mental illnesses like depression or low self-confidence, living in these types of environments can be all the more gruelling.

It’s important to nourish your mind and body, so step out into nature every once in a while. Studies show that surrounding oneself in nature for even just 15 minutes can leave a positive impact on your overall well being.

Besides your mental health, you’re also getting a dose of Vitamin D by being exposed to the sun’s rays. With more than a billion people suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency worldwide, you’re potentially replenishing stores of this vitamin by simply enjoying a walk outside.

Furthermore, a quiet, natural setting is one of the best places to reflect and ponder your own thoughts. If you have a natural setting right by your doorstep, consider leisurely strolling around it a few times a week. This can be great for all realms of your health.

3) Replace Sugary Drinks with Water

If you’ve walked the earth for 60 years or more, you don’t need anyone to lecture you about the importance of staying hydrated.


Still, there’s a surprisingly high number of seniors who choose to drink liquids that actively chip away at their health, particularly high-fructose juices and sodas. In fact, a Harvard study has found that 11% of the daily calorie intake of a typical American diet comes from sugary drinks.

Sweetened drinks are associated with a wide range of diseases. From obesity to diabetes mellitus, these drinks can spell disaster for your overall well-being.

If you find yourself regularly filling up your refrigerator with sodas and sugary drinks, switch to water as soon as possible. Water is refreshing, 0-calorie, 0-sugar, and super accessible—making it the healthier alternative.

As for how much water you should drink, 8 cups is a good estimate, but numbers vary from person to person. As long as you’re not feeling any signs of dehydration and hydrating yourself regularly, you should be golden!

4) Gorge on Healthier Alternatives

We love pizza, burgers, and fries as much as the next person. However, the older you become, the more important it is to steer away from these types of foods and look into more nutritional options instead.


Some examples of healthy types of food include fresh produce, whole grains, and healthy fats. These foods are jam-packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that can keep your body healthy and energised.

In contrast, avoid foods high in refined sugar, saturated fats, and sodium. These are the kinds of food that can cause long-term health issues, so steering away from them is absolutely something you should consider if you prioritize your health.

5) Listen To Your Body

When you become older, your body and muscles won’t be as efficient as it once was. As sad as it is, it’s a fact of life you have to come to terms with.

Instead of pushing it to extreme levels of stress and fatigue, sometimes the best thing you can offer it is some rest.

Whenever you feel sleepy, go ahead and take a nap. If you’re presently suffering from health conditions, monitor it and get in touch with your general practitioner regularly.


If you are currently taking maintenance pills or need extra assistance, it might be in your best interest to hire a dedicated caregiver to help you. These people are specially trained to assist elderly folks such as yourself and improve their quality of life as best as they can.

If home care isn’t an option, you may consider arranging to live in a top aged care facility like Banfields Aged Care. These facilities are equipped with everything you need to live a comfortable life while receiving the necessary medical care.

At the end of the day, no one else knows your body better than you. That said, being cooperative and proactive about your health can improve your living state tremendously—so don’t dismiss it either.

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