Write for Us

Write For Us + Health Guest Post Site

Contact Us: linkexpert.mithilesh@gmail.com

NaturalscamHealth.com is a leading health and wellness blog that provides reliable information to help our readers live healthier, happier lives. We are always looking for knowledgeable writers to contribute high-quality articles on various health, nutrition, and fitness topics.

Guest posting on NaturalscamHealth allows you to establish credibility, drive more traffic to your site, build relationships, and position yourself as an authority in your niche.

If you have in-depth health knowledge and are passionate about writing, this is a great platform for you.

Why You Should Write for Us on NaturalscamHealth.com?

Write for Us Health

Here are some key reasons to write for our blog:

  • High Domain Authority: NaturalscamHealth has a domain authority of over 42, which means writing for us provides great SEO value for your website.
  • Large Audience Reach: We have over good amount of monthly visitors. Your articles will be exposed to a highly targeted audience interested in health topics.
  • Editorial Support: Our editors will thoroughly review your article, suggest improvements if needed, and help polish it for publication.
  • Quick Turnaround: We aim to review and publish accepted articles within 1-2 business days.

Guidelines for Health Sponsored Post on NaturalscamHealth.com

If you want to write a sponsored post for our health blog, kindly follow these guidelines:

  • Submit original, well-researched articles between 800-1500 words.
  • Focus on evidence-based health advice, the latest research, or your expertise.
  • Include stats, expert quotes, relevant links, images, infographics, etc. to make it more interesting.
  • Limit self-promotion to 1-2 natural links from relevant text. Excessive links will be removed.
  • DA of the linked site should be 30+. Links from sites selling pills, drugs, or nonsafe products will not be allowed.
  • Editors reserve the right to reject or edit articles to meet our standards.

Steps Required for the Submission of Health Sponsored Post:

Follow these simple steps when submitting your article:

  • Send your article draft to linkexpert.mithilesh@gmail.com
  • Clearly mention the title and subtitles for better structuring.
  • Adhere to our editorial guidelines regarding links, word count, etc.
  • Acceptable file types: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt
  • Our editors will review and get back to you within 5 business days.
  • Suggested changes (if any) must be incorporated before final approval.
  • Once accepted, we’ll schedule your post for the earliest available slot.

How to Submit a Health Guest Post?

Simply send your finished health article to linkexpert.mithilesh@gmail.com along with 2-3 related images. Please allow 5 business days for review and response.

Benefits of Guest Posting at NaturalscamHealth.com

Publishing on our popular site offers multiple advantages:

  • Increased Site Traffic: Your post will be read by our millions of monthly visitors.
  • Link Building Opportunities: Get a high-quality backlink from DA-75+ site to boost rankings.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Being featured on a leading site establishes you as a health industry expert.
  • Improved Brand Visibility: It allows you to organically introduce your brand to a wider audience.
  • Thought Leadership: You can demonstrate your knowledge by educating readers.

Health & Fitness Topics You Can Write for Us:

We accept guest posts on diverse wellness topics including:

  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Weight Loss & Obesity
  • Workout & Fitness
  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Herbal Remedies
  • Food & Recipes
  • Mental Health
  • Parenting & Pregnancy
  • Aging & Geriatrics
  • Addictions & Recovery
  • Diseases & Cure
  • General Wellness
  • CBD [Cannabis]
  • Vaping

Review our site first to better understand our content style and quality standards.

Importance of Guest Posting

Besides the specific benefits of writing for NaturalscamHealth.com, guest blogging offers general advantages like:

  • Increase organic traffic to your website
  • Boost search engine rankings
  • Establish subject matter expertise
  • Grow targeted audience
  • Promote products/services
  • Connect with influencers
  • Diversify online presence

Overall, it helps grow brand awareness and generate new business opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q1. Can I submit multiple guest posts?

A1. Yes, you can submit several articles over time provided each one meets our content quality guidelines.

  • Q2. When will my article be published?

A2. Typically within a week of final approval but publication date depends on availability of slots. We’ll confirm the exact schedule.

  • Q3. Can I promote my products/services?

A3. Discreet mentions are allowed provided they naturally fit the context. Avoid overly promotional language.

  • Q4. What happens if my article gets rejected?

A4. We may reject articles for substandard content, too many links, duplicate content issues, or if it does not meet our current needs. You may submit revised drafts.


We invite knowledgeable health writers to collaborate with us and publish insightful articles for millions of our readers while also gaining exposure and links to boost their sites.

Review our submission protocol and get in touch with any other questions by contacting us!