What is it like to go through an alcohol detox?


Are you fed up with your relationship with alcohol? Is it becoming problematic, not just for your health but for those around you too? As we approach the turn of the year, it could be the perfect time for the old cliche, “new year, new me” and giving up the booze for good.


Alcohol addiction is on the rise, and more and more people are identifying that their relationship with alcohol is an unhealthy one and that an alcohol detox and going sober is the right step for them in both the short and long term. Which is a scary prospect.

Giving up alcohol is a step into the unknown for many, particularly those who have had a relationship with it for so long, and the detox process can often be the thing that puts them off, with people having heard horror stories about withdrawal symptoms. However, sometimes pain and suffering in the short term, can lead to a much healthier life further down the line.

So, what exactly does an alcohol detox look like and what sort of feelings will you have?

Common Feelings You Will Have

Most people will have the same sort of withdrawal symptoms, which aren’t particularly pleasant, with the whole detox process usually lasting between seven and 10 days.


Among the more common symptoms you’ll have during this period are…

  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Headaches
  • Fluctuating temperature
  • Sweats
  • Fatigue

There can also be other side effects such as mood swings and paranoia which are quite common and will require support, either professionally or from friends and family.

It is always a good idea to get professional help when going through alcohol detox and addiction treatment, as there’s a much higher chance you won’t relapse by doing so, as you’ll go through tailored treatment plans that suit your personality and your needs.

Withdrawal isn’t easy, so the last thing you want to do is have to go through it all again!

Less Common Feelings, And More Severe Symptoms You Could Face

The benefit of getting professional help will certainly be felt should you experience more severe symptoms during alcohol detox. These can even be life threatening, with people entering a state of delirium tremens.


This can lead to people experiencing severe disorientation and confusion, alongside hallucinations which can spiral out of control, increasing blood pressure and causing seizures. A safe space is so vitally important when detoxing from alcohol, with medical attention on hand.

Naturally, this can be terrifying for someone considering an alcohol detox, but these are the extremes and it’s important to get medical help and do your research ahead of taking what will ultimately be an important step for the benefit of your health in the long term.

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