Permanent or Removable Dentures? What’s better?


Prosthetics is an integral component of dental practice. Modern dentures restore the functionality of the jaws and regain a perfect smile and confidence. However, it will be possible to achieve the desired result only with the right choice of structures. What are the advantages and disadvantages of permanent dentures and removable models? Let’s figure it out!


What are permanent dentures?

Permanent prostheses are dental structures that have an almost unlimited period of use. With proper selection, installation, and care, they will last for decades or more. In this case, the patient can do without correction, additional restoration of bone tissue, or treatment of gum disease.

Permanent dentures are considered more reliable and practical than removable ones. In the absence of contraindications, many doctors recommend giving preference to these particular designs. Depending on the features of the structure, they are made in several versions:

  • Dental crowns. This design completely repeats the structure of the damaged tooth and is attached to it. When installing a crown, it is possible to prevent the destruction of bone tissue in the future.
  • Bridge prostheses. They are a structure of several interconnected crowns. Bridges should be supported by your own prepared teeth or dental implants.

A separate category includes permanent microprostheses — lumineers, veneers, etc. A distinctive feature of such products is the installation without turning adjacent teeth.

Permanent dentures offer numerous benefits:

  • Biological compatibility. Such prostheses are made of hypoallergenic materials. This feature allows them to be installed in almost all patients, even in the presence of allergic diseases.
  • Manufacturing efficiency. A professional dental technician can produce a high-quality and comfortable prosthesis within a few days, which, if necessary, is corrected before installation.
  • A long period of operation. The permanent prosthesis will serve patients on average from thirty to fifty years without changes in characteristics and the need for replacement.
  • Complete replacement of the functions of natural teeth. A properly selected prosthesis completely takes over the lost functions and helps to feel the pleasure of life again.
  • Lack of inflammation and damage to adjacent teeth, gums, and bone tissue.
  • Aesthetics of the dentition, restoration of a smile.

The only significant drawback of permanent dentures is the high cost. Often, patients are not ready to immediately part with a large sum for prosthetics and refuse such designs. But if you have the financial means, permanent dentures are the best option.


Features of removable dentures

If for some reason, it is not possible to install permanent dentures, temporary structures will be a worthy alternative for restoring a complete and aesthetic dentition. Unlike the models discussed above, their service life is limited to several years.

Types of removable dentures

  1. Removable dentures. Such designs consist of two components: the actual denture and the base. For the manufacture of artificial teeth, acrylic, polyurethane, nylon, and other materials are used. As a base, dentists choose plastic, nylon, or metal-plastic. Initially, the structure of the prosthesis allows it to be installed without additional devices. But after some time, against the background of a decrease in stability or atrophic processes in bone tissues, a special fixative may be required — a gel or paste.
  2. Partially removable dentures. They are designed for installation on the gums or adjacent teeth. As a rule, small hooks are used as fixing elements. They can be noticeable, which causes some discomfort. However, such prostheses are securely fastened and characterized by good stability.

Materials for the manufacture of removable dentures


Lightweight, comfortable, and affordable material is often used for the manufacture of removable dentures. An important advantage of acrylic structures is the absence of contraindications for installation. But such prostheses cannot boast of durability. Their average service life is from one to three years.

Purified acrylic resins

Thanks to such prostheses, it is possible to achieve the densest contact with the gum and even distribution of the load on the jaw.


Nylon dentures are used only when one or more teeth need to be replaced. Larger structures made of nylon are not produced. The fact is that the material cannot guarantee the correct distribution of the load. In addition, after a few years, nylon prostheses lose their properties and require professional correction.

Dentures with a metal frame

The durable metal base is additionally covered with acrylic, which reduces the risk of developing allergies. Also, the metal base is compact and helps to evenly distribute the load on a certain part of the jaw.


Advantages and disadvantages of removable dentures

The affordable cost is the main advantage of such structures. If we talk about the shortcomings, they include:

  • Partial restoration of the functions of natural teeth. Removable dentures are not able to provide the correct chewing load. Their use is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the gums and bone tissue.
  • Discomfort during use, damage to adjacent teeth and gums.
  • The need to use fixatives and difficulties in care.

Which dentures to choose — permanent or removable? An experienced dentist will help you make the right choice!

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