How Teas & Coffees Can Be Used To Relieve Pain


Most of us drink tea and coffee throughout the day but did you know, you could choose a blend that comes with a long list of health benefits? CBD teas and coffees are just like your average type, but instead, they contain CBD, which works throughout the body to give your overall health a boost. But don’t worry, you’ll still get your energy from CBD infused coffee, and the soothing nature of tea will still be present, with the added feeling of calm and relaxation that comes with CBD. Read on to find out more about these products, how they work and how they can relieve pain.


What is CBD?

CBD is an all-natural substance that is extracted from the cannabis plant – but it does not cause any mind-altering or psychoactive effects, so it is perfectly safe to use. It is becoming more popular within the health and wellness community as it comes with a long list of benefits, from anti-inflammatory abilities, relieving feelings of stress and anxiety as well as helping us to get a good night’s sleep.

 There are many CBD products on the market to choose from, so you can implement them into your day with ease, from the most well-known CBD oil to use orally, creams and lotions to use topically, as well as sweet treats like gummies and cookies. If you enjoy a hot drink throughout the day, CBD infused teas and coffee are available. Read on to find out more about how they work to relieve pain and a few other benefits that come with them.

CBD Tea: How does it work?

CBD tea comes exactly as you would find in your everyday tea bag but contains a dose of CBD so you can start your day off right. You can choose from a variety of flavours, whether you prefer a herbal option like camomile or matcha, or just a breakfast tea that you can add milk and sugar to as normal. This tea has a premeasured dose of CBD within it; therefore, you don’t have to worry about staying consistent each day – one tea bag in a cup will do the job! It comes with many benefits which we will look at in more detail below, with one of the main advantages being pain relief…

The Benefits

  • Pain relief: If you suffer from chronic pain caused by a condition like arthritis or MS, adding CBD to your daily routine can help alleviate the discomfort – CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system within your body, changes the way your receptors respond to pain, and creates an anti-inflammatory response because of this, reducing pain and swelling.
  • Headaches: CBD tea can provide relief from headaches due to the goodness within the blend, so if you suffer from migraines or headaches regularly, CBD tea can help.
  • Anxiety and stress: Tea in any form is soothing, but CBD tea can provide extra help for those of us that suffer from anxiety and stress. It can lower blood pressure which rises when stressed and boost your mood.

CBD coffee: How does it work?

CBD coffee comes in two different forms, coffee beans and coffee pods, so there is something to suit everyone. Just like CBD tea, you can make it just like you would your everyday coffee, but you can reap the benefits of all CBD has to offer. You may find that if you drink too much coffee, you become fidgety and unable to sit still, but with a CBD blend, the properties in CBD help to balance your mood and your mind, as well as provide you with the coffee buzz you need to kick-start your day.


The benefits

  • Pain relief: Much like CBD tea, this coffee can be added to your day for relief from chronic illness and pain. The CBD content within the coffee can reduce inflammation internally, as well as around joints and muscles, and reduce redness and swelling, so you can get back on your feet in no time.
  • Boosts immune system: CBD coffee can help give your immune system a boost, so you can fight any infections that may be causing you discomfort or pain around your body.
  • Cramps: It’s not just external issues that CBD coffee can help with, it can also help to relieve cramps felt throughout the body and in the stomach whether that’s due to IBS or menstrual cramps so you can complete your day, pain-free.

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