Can CBD Really Help You Sleep?


You’ve probably already heard of the benefits of CBD oil for sleep, but are wondering whether or not that claim is true. Maybe you’ve seen articles on CBD for anxiety, too. Cannabidiol can be helpful for both sleep and anxiety, but it might not work the way you expect.  As you may know, cannabis has been shown to be effective in treating chronic pain, severe nausea, spasms, seizures, sleep disturbances, anxiety and other conditions. But can CBD help you with something as common and necessary as sleeping? Cannabidiol is a compound in the cannabis plant that may help improve your sleep — and it’s non-psychotropic.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most abundant cannabinoids in the hemp plant and, unlike delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it’s non-intoxicating. As of late, it’s become an increasingly popular option for patients and consumers of CBD products due to its many potential uses and curative properties.

Have you been using CBD oil from a Lumiere CBD Shop for sleep? Are you wondering if this is a safe way to treat insomnia and sleep deprivation? It’s a good idea to know what CBD can and can’t do before trying it out. This article will present the science behind the use of CBD for sleep.

Can CBD Really Help You Sleep


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has become increasingly popular in the last few years, with high demand for the non-intoxicating cannabidiol oil supplement, often marketed as hemp oil. As cannabinoid (CBD) receptors are distributed throughout the body and brain in humans and other vertebrates, CBD has come back into the spotlight in recent years. Particularly due to promising research on its potential neuroprotective benefits, most notably against epilepsy.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound in the cannabis plant — think back to your high school biology and you’ll remember this is also the part of the plant responsible for the narcotic, hallucinogenic effects of marijuana. However, CBD is derived directly from hemp, or cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC. And unlike THC, CBD comes with a clean bill of health from both the government and scientific community (at least on a federal level).

How does CBD affect your body?

Cannabinoids are chemicals that act on cannabinoid receptors. While the body produces a chemical called anandamide, which it can use to activate a cannabinoid receptor, endocannabinoids are produced by the body. These endocannabinoids then bind to the same receptors that anandamide would bind to, performing a similar function. That’s why scientists call them endocannabinoids. In addition, cannabinoids from the cannabis plant also bind to these receptors. Anandamide and cannabinoids both activate these receptors. When activated, cannabinoids produce different effects in different parts of the body.

Since cannabinoids are chemical substances that act on various cannabinoid receptors found in both the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (the other parts of the body which are not controlled by the brain and spinal cord, but by subsidiary nerves).

Why Sleep is Important

Sleep is as important to good health as diet and exercise. When people are sleep deprived, they are less alert, concentrate less, and are more prone to accidents. Instead, they’re likely to eat more, drink more, and be less active. Sleep-deprived people may be irritable and unable to concentrate or remember things during the day. They have trouble remembering their dreams and remembering things they’ve learned.

People who don’t sleep enough often have trouble concentrating, making decisions, and making decisions. They may feel tired, have headaches, be moody or anxious, have trouble remembering things, and be irritable or have trouble controlling their anger.


Sleep also affects how your body works. When you sleep, your body recovers from stress, restores muscle and bone, and repairs itself. Your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, breathing rate, and body temperature all decrease, as does the amount of certain hormones in your body. Even your hormone levels change during a dream. Your muscles and organs all function better when you are well-rested.

Understanding Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder defined by difficulty falling or staying asleep. It is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty initiating sleep, frequent night waking, and excessive daytime fatigue. Insomnia can develop by itself or in response to other disorders. The cause of insomnia can vary from person to person. Sometimes, the cause may be a medical or psychological condition, such as depression, and other times, the cause may be physical or environmental.

CBD for Insomnia

There are many different reasons as to why individuals experience insomnia. One such reason is the influence that external factors have on sleep. For example, CBD’s interaction with pain receptors in the brain has been shown to reduce inflammation and help induce sleep. It’s important to understand that CBD isn’t just something that you use to feel good. It’s a substance that has active ingredients which interact with the endocannabinoid system.

Sleep is as important to good health as diet and exercise. When people are sleep deprived, they are less alert, concentrate less, and are more prone to accidents. Instead, they’re likely to eat more, drink more, and be less active. leep quality.  Improving your sleep will make you feel happier and more energetic!

Figure out why CBD helps you sleep better

We have previously discussed that CBD is a cannabinoid compound found in the cannabis plant. Cannabis contains over 400 chemical compounds, called cannabinoids, that interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system. An endocannabinoid system is a group of neuromodulator lipids within your nervous system that helps regulate sleep, appetite, pain sensation, and hormone regulation. Cannabinoids have been found to have sleep-inducing properties in animals because of their activity on the receptor sites involved in promoting sleep. In fact, these cannabinoids help your body regulate REM and non-REM cycles, which helps you maintain a restful state of being.


How CBD works to improve sleep

Let’s unpack this, shall we? CBD is able to improve sleep because it works to balance out the stress or anxiety that could be causing sleeplessness. CBD balances out these emotions by impacting our serotonin levels. As a result of this balancing act, all-natural sleepiness kicks in. So, long story short, if you’re feeling stressed or anxious (which keeps you awake), use CBD to balance your mood and chill out. This means that CBD may help to improve sleep by increasing the ‘quantity’ of sleep, while also improving the ‘quality’. Both are necessary for good sleep.

Takeaway: Consult your doctor before using CBD if you have serious health conditions or disorders. If you’re looking for a natural yet effective supplement, look no further. CBD products from Lumiere CBD Shop are here to help improve sleep naturally. CBD can work wonders for sleep, but it may require a bit of trial and error to find what works best for you.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative contents on various niches over the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community.

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